A Tribute Wall bearing the names of 1,040 freedom fighters from across Bharat is set to be inaugurated at the Headquarters of Vivekananda Kendra in Vivekanandapuram, Kanyakumari. The construction work for the Tribute Wall in Vivekanandapuram commenced 4 to 5 months ago, with a Bhumi Puja ceremony on September 21, 2023, graced by Sri. Pon Radhakrishnan ji, the Ex. Minister of State for Finance and Shipping, Government of Bharat, Embalam R. Selvam, The Honourable Speaker of the Puducherry Legislative Assembly, and other dignitaries.
The Tribute Wall has the names of freedom fighters engraved on marble granite plaques, with a statue of ‘Bharat Mata’ and a 100-feet high national flag placed at its centre. The wall, measuring 10 feet in height and 60 feet in length, will include information such as the name of the freedom fighter, their years of life, and the state they belonged to. Additionally, each side of the wall features a pillar with the national emblem of Bharat (the symbol of four lions) atop it, along with a QR code that can be scanned to access audio (mp3), visual (mp4), or written formats narrating the stories of each freedom fighter. Students will have access to these details in 12 different languages through a specially designed app.
The construction of the tribute wall is being undertaken by the Chakra Vision India Foundation Trust, an NGO based in Chennai, to commemorate these freedom fighters as Bharat marks 75 years of Independence. This initiative includes the construction of tribute walls at 75 different locations across the country, including Jammu and Kashmir, West Bengal, Gujarat, Puducherry, and the Andaman and Nicobar Islands.
The first tribute wall in Tamil Nadu is to be inaugurated at the Headquarters of Vivekananda Kendra in Kanyakumari. Constructions began 4 to 5 months ago. A Granite Plaque Fixing Ceremony took place on March 19 2024, with Chakra Rajasekar ji, the Founder of the Chakra Vision Bharat Foundation Trust, presiding over the program. Balakrishnan Ji, the All Bharat President of Vivekananda Rock Memorial & Vivekananda Kendra, graced the occasion as the special invitee and laid the first marble granite plaque bearing the name of Netaji Subhash Chandra Bose. Students from Vivekananda Kendra Vidyalaya, Kanyakumari, and other dignitaries were present at the program.