In a series of disturbing events during the Muharram processions, several districts in Bihar, including Patna, Vaishali, Munger, Muzaffarpur, Sitamarhi, and Motihari, witnessed outbreaks of violence and clashes between groups. The incidents have left a trail of injuries and heightened tensions, necessitating police intervention.
Patna: Vandalism and Late-Night Disturbances
In Patna’s Raja Bazaar, chaos erupted late at night during the Tajia procession when clashes broke out between groups. Reports indicate that the unrest led to vandalism, notably at the Shubham Kirana Store in Madrasa Lane, where property damage occurred. Initially reported by the shopkeeper, who later withdrew the complaint citing apprehensions of further escalation, the incident underscored the volatility during the procession.
Vaishali: Factional Clashes and Severe Injuries
Bidupur area in Vaishali district became a hotspot of conflict during the Muharram procession, with clashes erupting between opposing factions over the Tajia. Stone-pelting incidents ensued, resulting in injuries to six individuals. A youth was critically wounded after being attacked with a sword, necessitating urgent medical attention at Bidupur Primary Health Center and subsequent referral to Sadar Hospital in Hajipur.
Munger: Widespread Tension and Stone-Pelting
In Munger, tensions flared during the Muharram procession as clashes erupted near Momin Tola in the Havelli Khadagpur Thana area and close to the Imambara in Raushan Nagar. Stone-pelting incidents caused injuries to six people, with the situation escalating rapidly amidst bustling activities in the main market area.
Muzaffarpur: Police Confrontation Amid DJ Seizure Attempt
Muzaffarpur witnessed a confrontational episode during Muharram when police attempted to seize a DJ, leading to an assault on the police team. The incident escalated as the crowd pursued police personnel for nearly a kilometer, pelting stones and resulting in injuries to approximately twelve policemen, including female officers.
Motihari: Palestinian Flag Incident Sparks Tensions
Tensions heightened in Motihari during the Tajia procession when a Palestinian flag display became contentious. Police intervened by detaining a youth after a viral video depicted 20-30 individuals wielding sticks and rods. Investigations into the incident are ongoing, maintaining a tense atmosphere in the locality.
Sitamarhi: Clashes Disrupt Morning Procession
Wednesday morning in Sitamarhi saw clashes erupt between participants in two Tajia processions at Mehsaul Chowk and Kiran Chowk. Stone-pelting incidents left around 25 people injured on both sides, prompting a robust police response with a heavy baton charge to restore order.
Palestinian Flags in Muharram
It is pertinent to mention that, during the Muharram processions held on July 14, 2024, several anti-Hindu incidents were reported across various states in India, including Bihar, Uttar Pradesh, Kashmir, and Gujarat. One of the most notable incidents occurred in Savli, Vadodara, Gujarat, where a Palestinian flag was hoisted, prompting swift police action.