West Bengal’s Leader of Opposition, Suvendu Adhikari, announced the launch of a portal for citizens who were allegedly prevented from voting in recent Lok Sabha elections and by-polls for four seats in the state. Adhikari, addressing the media amidst rising concerns over post-election violence, emphasised that the Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) plans to initiate mass movements to protest against these incidents.
Adhikari claimed that approximately 50 lakh Hindus were deprived of their voting rights during the Lok Sabha polls, with an additional 2 lakh Hindus barred from voting in the by-polls. “Democracy is dead in Bengal,” he asserted, condemning the alleged suppression of voter rights. He vowed to provide a platform where affected individuals can register their grievances anonymously, promising to initiate legal proceedings to address these issues.
Shocking news from Bengal 🚨
50 Lakh Hindus were not allowed to Vote in Loksabha Elections
2 lakh Hindus not allowed to vote in 4 seats in by-election
We are launching a mass movement, Hindus who were not allowed to give vote can give their details on the portal we will… pic.twitter.com/Gvefb8bhns
— Amitabh Chaudhary (@MithilaWaala) July 15, 2024
The BJP leader’s statements come amidst ongoing protests outside Raj Bhavan in Kolkata, where Adhikari and victims of post-poll violence have staged a sit-in demonstration. The Calcutta High Court had earlier granted permission for the protest, stipulating a limit of 300 participants.
Meanwhile, Trinamool Congress (TMC) has continued its dominance in West Bengal’s political landscape, securing victory in all four Assembly by-polls. Chief Minister Mamata Banerjee hailed the outcome as a significant achievement, reclaiming three seats previously held by the BJP. “This victory underscores the support of our people,” Banerjee stated, addressing reporters in Kolkata.
In response to the by-poll results, BJP MP Sukanta Majumdar accused TMC of electoral malpractice, alleging irregularities in vote counting. “There were instances where BJP received merely three or four votes per booth, indicative of fraudulent practices,” Majumdar claimed. The BJP has lodged complaints with the Election Commission, urging investigations into the alleged discrepancies.
As tensions mount in West Bengal’s political arena, the launch of the BJP’s portal aims to document and address voter suppression allegations, setting the stage for further legal and electoral challenges in the state.