In a troubling case unfolding from Chhattisgarh, a man stands accused of raping a young Hindu woman after assuming a false identity on social media. The suspect, identified as Ishtiyaq Quraishi from Uttar Pradesh, purportedly created a fraudulent account under the name Ajay Samrath on Instagram to deceive the victim, who resides in the Farasgaon police station area of Kondagaon district.
According to the victim’s account, the deception began approximately a year ago when Ishtiyaq Quraishi, posing as Ajay Samrath, sent her a friend request on Instagram, which she accepted. Over time, he engaged her in frequent messaging and gradually cultivated a romantic relationship, eventually convincing her of his love and proposing marriage.
In October 2023, Ishtiyaq Quraishi travelled from Uttar Pradesh to Chhattisgarh to meet the victim in person. However, instead of fulfilling his promises, he allegedly subjected her to multiple instances of sexual assault under the guise of Ajay. After establishing physical relations, Ishtiyaq Quraishi abruptly cut off contact and fled the area, leaving the victim traumatized and betrayed.
Upon discovering the deception and the true identity of her assailant, the victim courageously approached the Farasgaon police station and filed a formal complaint against Ishtiyaq Quraishi. The police promptly registered a case and launched an intensive investigation into the matter. A specialized team was assembled to track down and apprehend the accused.
During the investigation, authorities located Ishtiyaq Quraishi in Kanpur, Uttar Pradesh. Acting swiftly, the Farasgaon police travelled to Kanpur and arrested him from Gautam Gaon on the ninth. Following his arrest, Ishtiyaq Quraishi was transported back to Chhattisgarh and presented before the court, where legal proceedings commenced, leading to his remand in judicial custody.