The semi-annual meeting of the All India Executive and Representatives of the Rashtra Sevika Samiti commenced today (July 12) with a ceremonious beginning at Reshim Bagh, Smriti Mandir, Nagpur. Chief Director Shanta Kumari inaugurated the event by lighting a traditional lamp, marking the start of a significant gathering. The event saw the participation of 400 representatives from 35 provinces, demonstrating a robust presence of the Samiti’s leadership and members.
During the inauguration session, Chief Executive Sita Gayatri Annadanam delivered an inspiring keynote address. She emphasised the importance of dedicated and diligent efforts in various fields to make India even more radiant and prosperous.
She stated, “Bharat is a radiant nation. To make it even more radiant, we must all diligently devote ourselves to our fields of work.”
Chief Executive Sita Gayatri Ji provided a comprehensive review of the Samiti’s progress and the current social situation. Highlighting the achievements of the past months, she mentioned that around 6000 Sevikas had received training in various classes conducted by the Samiti. This extensive training program reflects the Samiti’s commitment to empowering women and enhancing their skills.
In the second session of the day, the focus shifted to reviewing the training programs and discussing the expansion and strengthening of the Samiti’s work. The representatives engaged in in-depth discussions, sharing insights and strategies to further extend the reach and impact of their initiatives. The collaborative spirit and proactive approach underscored the commitment of the Samiti’s members to their cause.
The semi-annual meeting will continue over the next two days, with sessions scheduled for tomorrow and July 14. These sessions will include discussions on organising programs at various locations to commemorate the 300th birth anniversary of Devi Ahilya Bai Holkar.
Additionally, the centenary work plan of the Rashtriya Swayamsevak Sangh will be deliberated upon. A proposal on the topic “Nation Above All” will be presented, reflecting the Samiti’s dedication to national service and unity.
The semi-annual meeting of the Rashtra Sevika Samiti stands as a testament to the organisation’s unwavering commitment to social service, women’s empowerment, and national development. The insights and resolutions from this gathering are expected to pave the way for more impactful initiatives in the future.