Bengaluru: Enforcement Directorate (ED) officials have arrested former Congress minister B. Nagendra in connection with an illegal money transfer case involving the Maharshi Valmiki scheduled tribe development corporation limited (MVSTDCL) Corporation. After an extensive two-day search, Nagendra was apprehended at his residence in Dollars Colony, Bangalore, early on Friday morning that is on January 12.
The investigation began on Wednesday morning, with ED officials raiding the residences of B. Nagendra and Congress MLA Basanagowda Daddal in both Bangalore and Bellary. The raids continued through Thursday, with officials thoroughly searching the premises for evidence. On Friday, Nagendra was taken into custody and transported to the ED office in Shantinagar for further questioning.
The ED is scrutinising allegations of illegal transfer of crores of rupees within the Valmiki Corporation. The investigation included a raid on the homes of Nagendra and Daddal, lasting over 48 hours. During this period, Nagendra’s close associate, Harish, was detained and interrogated by the authorities in Bengaluru. Information provided by Harish led to Nagendra’s arrest, and the investigation by ED officials is ongoing.
The case gained significant attention following the suicide of Chandrasekaran, the auditor of the MVSTDCL . Chandrasekaran’s death note alleged massive embezzlement and illegal money transfers within the corporation. The note specifically named MLA B. Nagendra, who was then the Minister of Scheduled Caste Welfare Department, as being involved in the misappropriation of funds amounting rs 197.34 crores.
In the wake of Chandrasekaran’s suicide and the allegations of corruption, opposition parties demanded B. Nagendra’s resignation from his ministerial post. Consequently, Nagendra stepped down from his position as Minister of Scheduled Caste Welfare Department. The arrest of B. Nagendra marks a significant development in the ED’s investigation into the Valmiki Corporation scam. The ongoing inquiry is expected to uncover further details about the illegal financial activities and the individuals involved in the embezzlement scheme.