In the aftermath of the Lok Sabha election defeat, the Communist Party of India-Marxist (CPM) finds itself in a challenging position. Numerous CPM district committees have reportedly held the party leadership responsible for the debacle. Senior CPM leader and former party general secretary, Prakash Karat, took the opportunity to address the party workers in Kannur, emphasising that the downfall of the party rule in Tripura and West Bengal should serve as a lesson for the Kerala unit.
Karat urged party members to take BJP leader Suresh Gopi’s victory seriously, highlighting the need for introspection. Traditionally, both the Congress-led United Democratic Front and the CPM-led Left Democratic Front have accused the BJP of manipulating votes to their advantage. However, the recent election has witnessed both fronts shifting blame onto each other for indirectly aiding the BJP’s rise.
Speaking at the CPM North Region Reporting conclave in Kannur, Karat acknowledged the criticism leveled against the government, which had secured two consecutive terms in power, a first in recent history. Reports indicate that CPM state secretary M.V. Govindan’s working report emphasized the necessity to improve the administration’s style and cited the failure to effectively implement welfare schemes as a significant factor contributing to the setback. The disconnect between the leadership and the people was evident, with government employees, pensioners, and welfare pensioners reportedly abstaining from voting, resulting in a severe blow to the party’s electoral prospects.
Recent reports of the Communist Party of India-Marxist (CPM) attempting to find excuses for their election defeat have shed light on alleged instances of Muslim appeasement and corruption within the party. The assertion that Muslim votes were consolidated in favor of the United Democratic Front (UDF) due to hopes of ousting Prime Minister Modi and the Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) reflects a political stunt, according to critics. The report highlights the collaboration between Jama-eth-Islami, the Social Democratic Party of India (SDPI) – the political outfit of the outlawed Popular Front of India (PFI), and the Indian Union Muslim League, a constituent of the UDF.
This alliance, seen as a means to secure a Congress-led government at the center, is believed to have influenced the consolidation of Muslim votes. Additionally, some districts reportedly witnessed caste-based voting, further complicating the electoral landscape. However, political observers argue that the CPM and the Left Democratic Front (LDF) have long engaged in a competition with the Congress and UDF to appease Muslim extremism. The CPM’s opposition to the Citizenship Amendment Act (CAA) and Uniform Civil Code (UCC), as well as their agitations against these measures, have been interpreted as strategies to secure the Muslim vote bank.
Furthermore, allegations of leniency towards the PFI, even after its banning, have raised concerns about the party’s commitment to combatting extremism. Critics contend that the CPM’s attempts to find excuses for their electoral defeat only serve to divert attention from the fact that the people of Kerala have expressed their dissatisfaction with the party. Corruption allegations, including those against the Chief Minister and his daughter, the indulgence in lavish lifestyles, the Karuvannur-type cooperative bank scams, and the perceived soft treatment towards terrorists, have eroded public trust in the CPM. Additionally, the rampant incidents of violence by the Student Federation of India (SFI) on campuses across the state have further fueled discontent among the electorate.