Tamil Nadu BJP Chief K Annamalai has issued a legal notice to DMK Organization Secretary RS Bharathi, demanding Rs 1 crore for allegedly spreading “slanderous and false propaganda” against him in relation to the Kallakurichi hooch tragedy. The incident, which has claimed the lives of nearly 63 individuals, has sparked significant political controversy. Annamalai has stated that the compensation sought will be used to construct a de-addiction center in the affected Karunapuram locality of Kallakurichi district.
The legal notice, dated June 26, was sent by Annamalai’s lawyer, RC Paul Kanagaraj. Annamalai also shared a copy of the notice on his social media platform ‘X’ (formerly known as Twitter). In his post, he emphasized the defamation allegations and his plans for the compensation:
“Here’s the copy of the defamation notice sent today to the Organisation Secretary of DMK, Thiru RS Bharathi, for spreading slanderous, false propaganda aimed at me to divert the attention from the mis-governance of the DMK, which led to the death of over 60 people in Kallakurichi. We have sought Rs 1 Crore in damages, which will be used to construct & operate a de-addiction centre in Karunapuram, Kallakurichi.”
The notice accuses RS Bharathi of intentionally making false allegations against Annamalai in various electronic media, with the aim of tarnishing his reputation. According to the notice, Bharathi had alleged that Annamalai and his political party were responsible for the tragic deaths in the Kallakurichi hooch incident. The notice asserts that such statements were made recklessly and maliciously, with the intent of damaging Annamalai’s public image.
An excerpt from the notice reads:
“You have intentionally and deliberately made false allegations and malicious remarks against my client before various electronic media to tarnish my client’s reputation. At the outset my client was shocked to see that you have alleged his political party, which has an impeccable image in the eyes of the public, is liable for tragic deaths in the Kallakurichi hooch incident by making statements such as ‘BJP is liable, they have done it.’”
The notice further elaborates on the impact of Bharathi’s statements, highlighting that various friends and well-wishers of Annamalai were shocked to see the defamatory allegations circulating in the media. It mentions that Bharathi’s remarks, including accusations of a planned conspiracy by Annamalai, were false and harmful to his dignity and public image.
“You have falsely mocked that my client’s speech and action would differ and accused him of spreading false information regarding the incident including the resignation of the former Superintendent of Police of the district which is defamatory and scandalous. Your unsubstantiated imputations have deeply hurt my client’s reputations.”
Here’s the copy of the defamation notice sent today to the Organisation Secretary of DMK, Thiru RS Bharathi, for spreading slanderous, false propaganda aimed at me to divert the attention from the misgovernance of the DMK, which led to the death of over 60 people in Kallakurichi.… pic.twitter.com/Ar773oOwxA
— K.Annamalai (@annamalai_k) June 26, 2024
The notice also accuses Bharathi of acting with ulterior motives, aiming to malign and tarnish Annamalai’s image through fabricated and reckless allegations. It calls upon Bharathi to tender an unconditional apology within three days of receiving the notice and to pay Rs 1 crore in damages.
“Your deliberate actions of making false and malicious remarks against my client in public and before the media reveal your motive for defaming and slandering the image of my client and his political journey. The aforesaid defamatory, scandalous, false, and reckless statements and news items have been widely published, circulated, and read by the public at large and have lowered my client’s dignity in the public’s eyes.”
Annamalai’s Demand and Response
The five-page notice calls for an unconditional apology from Bharathi within three days of receiving the notice. It further demands Rs 1 crore in damages, specifying that the money will be used to construct and operate a de-addiction center in Karunapuram, Kallakurichi.
Annamalai’s notice concludes by stating: “Your deliberate actions of making false and malicious remarks against my client in public and before the media reveal your motive for defaming and slandering the image of my client and his political journey. The aforesaid defamatory, scandalous, false, and reckless statements and news items have been widely published, circulated, and read by the public at large and have lowered my client’s dignity in the public’s eyes. You have made such scandalous, fabricated, defamatory, and reckless allegations with ulterior motives and wrongful intent to malign and tarnish the image of my client.”
Annamalai’s move marks a significant escalation in the political battle between the BJP and the DMK in Tamil Nadu, bringing the tragic Kallakurichi incident to the forefront of political discourse. The outcome of this legal confrontation remains to be seen, but it underscores the heightened tensions and stakes in the state’s political landscape.