Om Birla has been elected as the Speaker of the Lok Sabha after a voice vote in the Lower House of the Parliament on June 26. During the 18th Lok Sabha, a notable competition for the Speaker’s post emerged between Om Birla of the Bharatiya Janata Party and Kodikunnil Suresh of the Congress, following the National Democratic Alliance (NDA) Government and the I.N.D.I Opposition parties failed to arrive at a consensus.
Speaking in the Lok Sabha.
— Narendra Modi (@narendramodi) June 26, 2024
Prime Minister Narendra Modi moved the motion to elect Om Birla as the Lok Sabha Speaker. The motion to appoint Suresh as the Speaker was moved by Shiv Sena (UBT) MP Arvind Sawant.
Following the win, Om Birla was congratulated by Prime Minister Narendra Modi. PM Modi said that Birla’s experience of being a Speaker in the last term would help him guide the country further. He was up against Congress candidate K Suresh, who filed his nomination after the ruling party and Opposition failed to reach a consensus last evening.
Om Birla is the only Lok Sabha speaker after Balram Jakhar in 1985 to get two full terms. Om Birla is a three-time MP from Kota, Rajasthan. He was the Speaker in the previous Lok Sabha (17th) too. Following this election, President Murmu will address a joint session of both houses of Parliament on June 27.