
Organ trafficking racket in Kerala: Vijayawada native Ballumkonda Ramaprasad to be interrogated; Hospitals on radar

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T Satisan

In a major breakthrough, Vijayawada native Ballumkonda Ramaprasad is set to be interrogated by Mumbai Police’s Special Investigation Team (SIT) for his alleged involvement in an extensive international human trafficking racket for organ trade. Ramaprasad, believed to be the kingpin of the operation, is implicated in the trafficking of 300 Bharatiyas, including 13 children, via a chartered Romanian flight from the United Arab Emirates (UAE) to Nicaragua, South America.

The Kerala Police’s custody of Ramaprasad has concluded, paving the way for the Mumbai SIT to question him in connection with this nefarious scheme. The French Police and India’s National Investigation Agency (NIA) have already interrogated the authorities of Romanian Legend Airlines. The organ trafficking racket came to light when French Police intercepted the aircraft in Paris, rescuing 300 people, among them 13 children, including a one-and-a-half-year-old infant, all unaccompanied by their parents.

French authorities detained two members of the racket from the plane, both identified as Keralites, and have since jailed them pending further legal proceedings. Reports indicate that the racket has been trafficking individuals to Iran, Siberia, Romania, and Turkey as part of their illegal organ trade operations.

The case has revealed shocking details about the scale of the trafficking. The 300 rescued individuals were lured by the racket with promises of employment abroad. They were initially transported from Bharat (India) to Fujairah in the UAE, and subsequently to Romania. Europol, the European Union Agency for Law Enforcement Cooperation, apprehended 32 individuals, including two Bharatiyas, at the Serbian border in November 2020. These operatives were hidden in large containers equipped with air circulation systems. Under interrogation, they disclosed plans to reach Germany, for which they had each paid 6000 Euros (approximately INR 5.37 lakhs).

Investigations suggest that the racket shifted its operations to Iran after their activities in Romania were compromised. The exposure of the organ trafficking route from Bharat has led the SIT to focus on Ramaprasad, the mastermind behind the operation.

The scandal has also cast a shadow over several hospitals in Kerala, which have become controversial for their alleged involvement in the organ trade. Despite the growing evidence, victims of the racket continue to suffer, with no significant actions taken against the implicated medical institutions.

As investigations proceed, the extent of the racket’s operations and the involvement of various entities continue to unfold, revealing a deeply disturbing network of exploitation and illegal organ trade. The SIT’s interrogation of Ramaprasad is expected to shed more light on the inner workings of this international criminal enterprise.

The public and authorities alike are calling for stringent measures and accountability to combat this heinous crime and protect the vulnerable from such exploitation. The revelation of infants being trafficked underscores the urgent need for comprehensive action against the perpetrators of this egregious trade.


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