In Madhubani, Bihar, a 16-year-old girl endured repeated rape by a madrasa teacher named Shahnavaz. He used Quranic verses to threaten her, saying, “If you tell anyone, Allah will not forgive you.” The victim had been raped for over a year after her classes ended. He would stop her, forcing a relationship by stuffing a cloth in her mouth. Additionally, he threatened her with a knife if she spoke to anyone. Frightened, the girl couldn’t tell anyone, but when she became seven months pregnant, her family grew suspicious, and the case was exposed.
According to media reports, this incident occurred in the Khutouna police station area in the Madhubani district. There, the head of a madrasa, Shahnavaz, who was responsible for teaching children Quranic verses, had started victimising the madrasa’s girl. No one knew when his character became corrupted while teaching a 14-15-year-old girl, and he made her his prey. Shahnavaz would stop the girl after the children left, stuffing a cloth in her mouth in the madrasa to satisfy his desires.
In the complaint given to the police by the victim’s mother, it is said that the teacher showed my daughter the fear of the Quran and said that if she told anyone, Allah would not forgive her. He also showed the fear of a knife. But due to the changes in the girl’s body, the family’s attention was drawn, and on questioning, the case came to light. The victim’s mother said that the maulvi had told the girl’s father that the girl is quick to read, send her to me for reading.
In this case, Khutouna police station in-charge Nitish Kumar stated that a preliminary report has been registered, and raids are being conducted to arrest the accused. Simultaneously, the villagers are furious over the information of a madrasa teacher raping a minor student and have demanded strict punishment for the teacher. The villagers have also locked the madrasa.