In the Bharuch district of Gujarat, a man named Altaf Hussain Sheikh has been apprehended for assaulting Jain sadhvis. The incident occurred on the Tham-Derol Highway while the sadhvis were en route to Vihar.
According to reports, Altaf attacked the sadhvis with a belt after they requested him to maintain distance, citing their practice of austerity and the need to avoid close proximity to men. The event unfolded on May 28, with a passerby apprehending Altaf Hussain Sheikh and subsequently handing him over to the police.
The incident involved six Shwetambar sadhvis who had departed from Bharuch early in the morning, heading towards Jain Sadhviji Vihar. A Vihar Sevak initially accompanied them but returned after a few kilometers.
At this point, Altaf Hussain Sheikh, hailing from Muhamadpura, began pursuing the sadhvis. As they passed through Tham village near Derol village Patiya on the Jambusar road, Altaf approached the sadhvis closely, prompting them to request that he maintain distance.
In response, Altaf became enraged, kicking one of the sadhvis before resorting to using his belt to beat them.
Fortunately, a local villager named Satishbhai Rathod witnessed the assault and intervened, capturing Altaf.
Rathod then notified the Bharuch Taluka Police Station of the incident. However, Altaf managed to escape by jumping onto a tempo. With Rathod’s assistance, the police eventually apprehended Altaf near Vagra Chokdi.
Further details regarding this case are anticipated as the investigation continues.