Assam Chief Minister Himanta Biswa Sarma said that when the BJP got 300 seats, it built the Ram Mandir in Ayodhya and now temples will be built at Krishna Janmabhoomi site in Mathura and in place of the Gyanvapi Complex in Varanasi after it gets 400 seats in Lok Sabha polls. He also said that Pakistan-Occupied Jammu & Kashmir (PoJK) will be included in India under the leadership of PM Modi. He further said that during Congress’ rule, no discussions were held in Parliament regarding Pakistan-occupied Kashmir.
“When the Congress Government was in power, we were told that one Kashmir is in India and the other in Pakistan. It was never discussed in our Parliament that Pakistan has ‘Occupied Jammu & Kashmir,’ it is actually ours. Right now, agitation is happening every day in PoJK and people are protesting against Pakistan by holding the Indian tricolour in their hands. If Modi ji gets 400 seats, then PoJK will also become India’s. It has already started,” Himanta Biswa Sarma added.
The Assam Chief Minister also asserted that the BJP Government is working to give more strength to reservations.
“PM Modi himself comes from the OBC category. BJP has been in power for 10 years. Our Government is working to give more strength to reservations. Congress wants to end SC, ST and OBC reservations and give reservations to Muslims which they have already started in Karnataka,” he added.
Earlier, highlighting the protests in the Pakistan-occupied Jammu & Kashmir, External Affairs Minister S Jaishankar, on May 14, reiterated that “it has been India and will always be,” adding that people in PoJK must be comparing their situation with those living in Jammu & Kashmir, pointing out the evident progress in the latter region.
The Pakistan Paramilitary rangers, on May 14, unlawfully deployed in PoJK, gunned down several protestors, leaving dozens and several others severely wounded.
The incident left several locals of the area injured, as locals in several thousand were out on the streets to raise their demands against taxes on electricity bills, cuts in subsidies and an end to the perks and privileges of the Prime Minister and President.
(with inputs from ANI)