Since the release of Delhi’s Chief Minister, Arvind Kejriwal, from Tihar jail, the Aam Aadmi Party (AAP) has been embroiled in a series of unexpected and controversial events. Amidst these developments, one incident stands out involving Swati Maliwal, a Rajya Sabha MP from the party. Throughout Kejriwal’s time in jail, Maliwal remained silent, abstaining from commenting on her party chief’s arrest. However, she recently broke her silence by lodging a complaint against Kejriwal’s personal assistant, Bibhav Kumar, accusing him of assault at the CM’s residence.
A diary note detailing the allegations against Kumar has been widely circulated on social media, yet a formal complaint is still pending. This has reportedly displeased the party’s top brass, who are unhappy with Maliwal’s prolonged silence during the protests against Kejriwal’s arrest in the Liquor Policy scam. Furthermore, she did not visit Kejriwal during his time in jail.
Rumours suggest that a rift between Maliwal and the AAP is growing, leading the party leadership to pressure her to resign from her Rajya Sabha seat. It is speculated that the vacancy could be filled by prominent lawyer, Abhishek Singhvi, who has been assisting Kejriwal and others involved in the Liquor Policy scam.
Earlier in the day, the Deputy Commissioner of Police (DCP) of North M K Meena stated that they received a PCR call at 9.34 am from a woman claiming she had been assaulted at the Delhi Chief Minister’s residence. The caller, who identified herself as a woman from the Chief Minister’s official residence, alleged that the Chief Minister’s Personal Assistant (PA) had beaten her up. The PCR call report specified that the assault occurred on the PA’s orders. Despite the claim, the woman, later identified as Rajya Sabha MP Swati Maliwal, has not filed an official complaint.
Maliwal later visited the police station but left soon after, saying she would file a complaint later. According to sources, she mentioned not being in a suitable condition at that time to proceed with the complaint. The call was confirmed to have been made from Maliwal’s mobile number, indicating she was indeed the person who made the call.
Following the call, a team from the Civil Lines police station promptly arrived at the Chief Minister’s residence. The Station House Officer (SHO) met with Maliwal there, and she informed him that she would be going to the police station shortly. Maliwal arrived at the police station at 10 am.
“In the police station, she was informed that a medical examination is necessary to file an assault FIR. She was at the police station for five minutes and left without filing any formal complaint. She said she would be back later,” said the DCP.
An official reported that Maliwal, the former chairperson of the Delhi Commission for Women (DCW), shed tears at the police station. Despite the reported assault, Maliwal has not issued any official statement and has not responded to messages or calls requesting her comment on the matter by various media outlets.
Responding to the allegations levelled by Maliwal, party leader Sanjay Singh said, “Yesterday an incident took place. At the residence of Arvind Kejriwal incident of misbehaviour took place with Swati Maliwal by Vibhav Kumar (Arvind Kejriwal’s PA). Swati Maliwal has informed about this incident to the Delhi Police. This is a condemnable incident. Arvind Kejriwal has taken cognisance of the incident and has directed for strict action in the incident…”
Ramvir Singh Bidhuri, the Leader of the Opposition in the Delhi Assembly and a BJP candidate, condemned the alleged assault on Maliwal, calling it a concerning occurrence. He pointed out that a similar incident had previously occurred involving the Chief Secretary and noted other scuffles with senior AAP leaders.
Amit Malviya, in charge of the BJP’s National Information & Technology Department, highlighted Maliwal’s previous silence on Kejriwal’s arrest and her absence from India at that time. He emphasised that Maliwal had not returned for a considerable period of time.
In response to the alleged assault, the National Commission for Women (NCW) announced on its X (formerly Twitter) account that it would be sending an inquiry team to investigate the matter. The NCW will also request a formal letter from the Delhi Police, seeking an action taken report (ATR) regarding the incident involving Maliwal.
“Maliwal reportedly assaulted the Delhi CM’s residence. The NCW vows action, demanding justice from the Delhi Police and sending an enquiry team. Perpetrators must be held accountable. The NCW will be sending a formal letter to Delhi Police to send an ATR in this matter in 3 days,” the commission said.
Kapil Mishra, a senior BJP leader, criticised the Aam Aadmi Party (AAP) regarding the alleged assault on Swati Maliwal and demanded clarification from them. He specifically questioned whether Bibhav Kumar, the personal assistant to Chief Minister Arvind Kejriwal, was involved in the assault. Mishra urged the Chief Minister’s office to issue a statement addressing the matter. He expressed his hope that the news of a female Rajya Sabha MP being assaulted at the Chief Minister’s residence was untrue.
Notably, senior AAP leaders Manish Sisodia and Satyender Jain remain in jail as part of an ongoing investigation by the Enforcement Directorate in the Liquor Policy scam. Meanwhile, the party’s Rajya Sabha member, Sanjay Singh, has been granted bail.
The Liquor Policy Scam
In November 2021, the Delhi government, led by Chief Minister Arvind Kejriwal, introduced a new excise policy to modernise alcohol sales in the city. This move, however, met with mixed reactions, with some appreciating its forward-thinking approach and others expressing concerns about its financial and public health implications.
By July 2022, Delhi’s Chief Secretary, Naresh Kumar, reported policy violations to Lieutenant Governor (L-G) Vinai Kumar Saxena, who then recommended a Central Bureau of Investigation (CBI) probe. The report alleged “financial losses to the exchequer” of more than Rs 580 crore.
The Enforcement Directorate (ED) claimed that the policy was intentionally designed with loopholes to favour AAP leaders and promote cartel formations. It accused AAP leaders of receiving kickbacks from liquor businesses in exchange for preferential treatment, such as discounts, license fee waivers, and relief during the COVID-19 pandemic disruptions.
The ED alleged that the “scam” involved giving wholesale liquor businesses to private entities with a fixed margin of 12 per cent, for a six per cent kickback. It also claimed that the scam was used to influence elections held in Punjab and Goa in early 2022.
The CBI conducted raids targeting the then Deputy Chief Minister Manish Sisodia and three others. The CBI named Sisodia and 14 other accused in its FIR, including AAP communications in-charge Vijay Nair, who was arrested in September 2022.
In March, the ED informed a court that the proceeds from the alleged excise policy scam amounted to more than Rs 292 crore.
The ED asserted that Kejriwal himself engaged with key accused individuals, urging them to collaborate with others involved in the case. Despite receiving nine summons between October 2023 and March 2024, Kejriwal was arrested after the Delhi High Court rejected his plea for protection from arrest.
He was recently granted interim bail by the Supreme Court and is asked to surrender on June 2.