In a disturbing incident of moral policing in the Basavakalyan area of Karnataka’s Bidar district, a Hindu auto-rickshaw driver named Ashoka Reddy Panduranga Reddy Pichare was physically assaulted by several Muslim youths on April 17, 2024. The attack occurred after a burqa-clad Muslim woman, Hazratbi Hannumiya, sat in his auto-rickshaw as he was driving from Basavakalyan to Kaudiala village. A video of the incident, which went viral on social media on May 12, 2024, revealed the brutal nature of the assault.
In the video, the Muslim attackers can be seen slapping both the Hindu man and the Muslim woman, with one of the accused saying, “Tumko sharam nahi aa rahi, Musalmaan ka naam kharab karne… [Are you not ashamed to ruin the name of Muslims].” The video has since sparked outrage online, with many calling for justice for the victims.
Three of the accused involved in the attack and the subsequent moral policing have been arrested. The arrested individuals have been identified as Syed Bilal, Tausif Ayub Chavus, and Syed Ibrahim. Two others, Qadeer Qureshi and Magdoom, are currently absconding.
The incident unfolded when Ashoka Reddy, a 42-year-old auto-rickshaw driver, stopped his vehicle near Thimmakka Garden at around 1 pm on April 17. At that point, the five Muslim youths stopped him, indiscriminately thrashed him up, verbally abused him, and threatened his life, warning him not to go around with Muslim women again.
Following the attack, the Hindu victim lodged a complaint against the Muslim youths at the Basavakalyana Nagar police station. District Superintendent of Police Channabasavanna SL commented on the incident, stating that while it occurred on April 17, the video only went viral on social media on May 12, leading to its coverage in some media reports. He confirmed that three people had been arrested for their involvement in the moral policing incident, and the search for the remaining two suspects was still ongoing.
This incident has raised concerns about the safety of individuals and the dangers of moral policing in the region, with many calling for stricter enforcement of laws to prevent such attacks in the future.
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