A devastating fire broke out in Ram Katha Kunj in Ramsevak Puram in Ayodhya on May 9, wreaking havoc and causing extensive damage to property around there. According to reports, goods worth lakhs were reduced to ashes as flames gutted six cottages in the area. The incident triggered panic among local residents, who immediately tried to put out the fire.
Despite the valiant efforts of firefighters and volunteers, the fire continued for more than an hour before it was brought under control.
In a statement on X, Mahendra Pratap Singh, CO-Fire, Ayodhya said that, “It was temporary structure belonging to a Nagarjun Corporation construction company which caught fire after a sub-standard cylinder exploded. Fire Services doused the fire. There were no casualties in the incident”. In addition, they assured that necessary legal actions are being taken to address the situation.
Ayodhya, UP | "A temporary structure belonging to a construction company caught fire after a sub-standard cylinder exploded. Fire Services doused the fire. There were no casualties in the incident," Mahendra Pratap Singh, CO-Fire, Ayodhya. pic.twitter.com/wvX3WP0DVn
— ANI (@ANI) May 9, 2024
Authorities have launched an investigation into the cause of the fire and are assessing the extent of the damage.