In yet another incident highlighting the simmering tensions fueled by caste conflicts in the southern districts of Tamil Nadu, members of the Pasumpon Muthuramalinga Thevar Makkal Pathukappu Iyakkam staged a protest on Wednesday (May 8) in Tirunelveli district. Alleging bias and harassment by police personnel, the outfit attempted to lay siege to the Thevarkulam police station, prompting a tense confrontation with law enforcement authorities.
The protest stemmed from accusations that police officers attached to the station were exhibiting partiality towards a specific community. The outfit had announced a demonstration against the alleged harassment of traders, particularly vehicle owners, from a particular community, accusing the police of booking cases without proper evidence or on false charges.
Alleging that Sub-Inspectors of Devarkulam police station are acting against particular community people, the residents staged a road blockade in Tirunelveli district
— Thinakaran Rajamani (@thinak_) May 8, 2024
However, when members of the outfit tried to besiege the police station, law enforcement officials intervened to prevent the escalation of the situation. Undeterred, the protesters regrouped at a different location and staged a road blockade on the Sankarankovil Road. Despite attempts by police officers to persuade them to disperse peacefully, the demonstrators refused to comply.
As tensions mounted, a scuffle ensued between the protesters and police personnel, leading to a mild lathi charge by the authorities to disperse the crowd. Several protesters sustained minor injuries during the clash.
In response to the attempted siege, the Thevarkulam police arrested 24 individuals on charges of attempting to lay siege to the police station and blocking a highway. The outfit’s founder-president, Esakki Raja, had announced the protest, citing grievances over the alleged targeting of a particular community by law enforcement agencies.
According to the outfit members, the police were allegedly acting under pressure from the Christian community, resulting in the imposition of false cases against members of their community. The protest was intended to draw attention to the prevailing situation in the area and urge government intervention.
Speaking to the media, Pulithevan Makkal Kazhagam founder Ch Perumalsamy condemned the police action, highlighting injuries sustained by Vannikonenthal Panchayat president Vallinayagam during the baton charge. He also criticised the seizure of cell phones by youth participating in the road blockade, deeming it an affront to democracy.
The outfit plans to submit a memorandum to Chief Minister Stalin, urging the withdrawal of false cases against their community members and demanding action against police officials involved in the alleged harassment.
Following the arrests made during the recent protests in Tirunelveli, the atmosphere in the area remains tense, with women expressing their grievances amidst the scorching heat. The president of the outfit KN Esakkiraja Thevar, along with other functionaries, was among those detained by the police.
#BREAKING || காவல் நிலையத்தை முற்றுகையிட முயற்சி – தடியடி
நெல்லை மாவட்டம் தேவர் குளம் காவல் நிலையத்தை முற்றுகையிட்டு போராட்டம் நடத்த முயன்றவர்களால் பரபரப்பு
சாதி ரீதியாக செயல்படுவதாகவும், பொய் வழக்கு போடுவதாகவும் குற்றம்சாட்டி முற்றுகை போராட்டம்#nellai #Police #TamilNadu…
— Thanthi TV (@ThanthiTV) May 8, 2024
Former Chief Minister and AIADMK leader O Panneerselvam condemned the police action, stating that allegations against the police should be thoroughly investigated. He emphasised the need for accountability and prevention of such incidents in the future.
Pasumpon Netarji Makkal Iyakkam has called for the release of all those arrested during the protests on the 8th, condemning what they described as a brutal attack on the protestors. They warned against further escalation, urging the government to address the grievances raised peacefully.
Meanwhile, over 100 people, led by advocate Kumar Pandian, staged a protest in Kuppakurichi near Sivalaperi. Thai Tamil Trust founder G Manikandan criticized the police’s handling of the situation, questioning the necessity of resorting to force instead of resolving the issue peacefully. He highlighted the contributions of the Thevar community to the freedom struggle and called for the immediate release of all detainees.
Expressing her dismay, one of the protesting women questioned the use of force by the police, particularly considering their willingness to cooperate. Another woman voiced her concern over the role of the police in protecting citizens, given the use of excessive force during the protests.
The wife of the injured Panchayat president recounted instances of police harassment in the village, alleging false cases were filed against the youths in recent months.
Police arrested 60 people, who are lodged in Palayamkottai central prison. They wanted transfer of police sub-inspectors Paul Raj (Christian) and Arul Raj (Hindu) for foisting false cases against Hindus, particularly Thevars. condemning the arrest and immediate release of arrested people, shops downed shutters in Vannikonendal village