In a heartwarming tale of love transcending religious boundaries, Shama Parveen, a Muslim woman hailing from Aurangabad, Bihar, has chosen to return to Sanatan fold, do Ghar Wapsi and marry Shivam Verma, a resident of Ballia in Uttar Pradesh. Renaming herself Poonam Devi, Shama’s journey to embracing Hindu Dharma unfolded against familial opposition and societal challenges.
Shivam Verma’s encounter with Shama Parveen occurred during a wedding ceremony in Buxar, Bihar, nearly a year ago. Their casual conversation blossomed into love, leading the couple to contemplate marriage. However, Shama’s family vehemently opposed their union, compelling her to leave her home. Amidst the turmoil, the couple embarked on a journey across various locations, searching for a means to solemnise their bond.
Their quest for a solution led them to Pandit KK Shankhadhar of the Agastya Muni Ashram in Madhinath, Bareilly. Known for facilitating marriages for couples from diverse backgrounds, facilitating Ghar Wapsi, Pandit KK Shankhadhar assessed their situation and performed rituals to sanctify Shama’s transition to Hindu Dharma. Following traditional Hindu customs, the couple exchanged vows, with Shama adopting the name ‘Poonam’ as her new identity.
In her revelation, Poonam Devi shared insights into her decision to do Ghar Wapsi, citing a deep-rooted connection to Sanatan Dharma despite her family’s conversion to Islam generations ago. Expressing disillusionment with certain practices within Islam, such as “halala” and “triple talaq,” she emphasised Hindu Dharma’s reverence for women and its alignment with her beliefs.
Poonam Devi’s reverence for cows, a sacred animal in Hindu Dharma, contrasts with her family’s dietary habits, which include consuming beef. Her decision to marry Shivam Verma was driven by fear of being compelled into a marriage with her cousin, underscoring the urgency to formalise their relationship according to Hindu customs.
Ghar Wapsi of Shama Parveen and her union with Shivam Verma stands as a testament to love’s resilience, bridging religious divides and inspiring hope for acceptance and understanding in society.