Actor and fitness influencer, Sahil Khan was nabbed by the Maharashtra police in connection with the much debated Mahadev Book Online betting app on Saturday, April 27. Khan was apprehended from Jagdalpur of Chhattisgarh, following a marathon operation by the Maharashtra police Special Investigation Team (SIT) that lasted for around 40 hours.
After the arrest, the actor and YouTuber was reportedly taken to Maharashtra and was subsequently produced before a Shinde Wari-Dadar court, where he was sent to custody for four days. The actor had reportedly travelled around 1800 km within the last three days to evade his arrest.
Sahil’s arrest occurred days after the ‘Style’ fame actor was grilled by the SIT in connection with promoting apps like Lion Book and Lotus 24/7, allegedly linked to Mahadev Book Online betting app. According to the reports, Khan was constantly changing his location and had left Mumbai after the high court earlier rejected his anticipatory bail plea, while observing that Khan was appeared to be directly connected with the online betting application.
Sahil was grilled and apprehended on the basis of a First Information Report (FIR) registered by the Matunga police in November 2023. The FIR was registered based on a complaint lodged by Prakash Bankar, a social activist who had alleged that several web portals, including a few promoted by Khan, were designed for online betting/gambling on cricket, football, tennis, and card games like teen patti, etc.
According to the details, Khan and a total of 31 other people were named in the FIR, which was later transferred to Economic Offence Wing (EOW) for further investigation.
Court rejects pre-arrest bail plea
Earlier, the actor in his bail plea had pleaded that he merely acted as a brand promoter following an agreement with the M/s Isports247, a sports management company for the promotion of the brand “The Lion Book”.
However rejecting his bail plea a single judge bench of justice SV Kotwal pronounced that Khan is directly connected with the online betting application.
“The entire operation is illegal. A huge amount is involved. Fictitious bank accounts are created. Different fake SIM cards are used in big numbers. The applicant is directly connected with the App ‘The Lion Book247,” observed the court.
Further the court also noted that the investigation being conducted by the Economic Offences Wing (EOW) had revealed that there were 67 betting websites, all of which were under the control of foreign destination. The court further noted that over 2,000 bogus SIM cards were used to lure gullible people to place bets on various games. Over 1,700 bank accounts opened using fake documents were used to collect and withdraw money, which was subsequently routed through Hawala channels and cryptocurrency.
It is noteworthy that the estimated size of the scam as per the FIR registered by the police is around 15000 crore. As of now apart from investigating the role of accused the SIT is also probing into criminal dealings involving the promoters of the app and certain real state and financial firms.
Mahadev Book Online betting app
It is to be noted that earlier the Enforcement Directorate (ED) had commenced a probe into the matter following a lavish wedding ceremony linked to one of the promoters of the Mahadev Book online betting app, Saurabh Chandrakar. The ED probe into the matter later revealed that the Mahadev App promoters created the platform for live online betting and indulged in betting through different social media platforms.
The promoters of the app allegedly generated crores of money through the app and distributed it among panel and branch operators after keeping a lion’s share somewhere around 70 to 80 percent. The investigation had further disclosed that for transaction of the illegally obtained money, bank accounts were opened and operated on the basis of fake documents by the panel and branch operators who further transferred illegal money to the promoters in UAE.
ED investigation had further revealed that “the main promoters of Mahadev Online Book are also partners and promoters in multiple such online betting books like ‘Reddy Anna’ and ‘Fairplay’.
Large-scale hawala operations are done to syphon off the proceeds of betting on off-shore accounts, additionally, illicit funds generated by the app were also used to bribe politicians and bureaucrats, the agency had informed us while asserting that it had also successfully identified other major players involved with the promoters of Mahadev Online Book.
Other Bollywood celebrities are under scrutiny
Significantly, the Maharashtra police cyber cell has also summoned Bahubali fame actress Tamannah Bhatia to appear before the officials on Monday, April 29, in connection with the illegal streaming of IPL matches on Fairplay app, a subsidiary application of the Mahadev App.
Maharashtra Cyber summons actor Tamannaah Bhatia for questioning in connection with the illegal streaming of IPL 2023 on Fairplay App that caused loss of Crores of Rupees to Viacom. She has been asked to appear before Maharashtra Cyber on 29th April.
Actor Sanjay Dutt was also…
— ANI (@ANI) April 25, 2024
Earlier, actor Sanjay Dutt was also summoned in the case on April 23, but he failed to appear and sought a fresh date. The Cyber Cell has already recorded statements from Dutt’s manager, actress Jacqueline Fernandez, and singer Badshah into the case.
It should be noted that earlier, the ED had also called actors Ranvir Kapoor and Shradhha Kappor for questioning in connection with appearing in ads for the Mahadev app.