A raid conducted by the Central Bureau of Investigation (CBI) in Sandeshkali, West Bengal, has uncovered a cache of arms and explosives, including crude bombs, in connection with the attack on an Enforcement Directorate (ED) On April 26. The raid targeted a house in Sandeshkhali’s Sarberia area belonging to Abu Taleb, a relative of local Trinamool Congress (TMC) leader Hafizul Khan. The ED team had been attacked while en route to raid the residence of suspended Trinamool Congress leader Sheikh Shahjahan on January 5. Shahjahan, currently incarcerated, is associated with Hafizul Khan.
CBI recovered a large number of arms and ammunition including foreign-made Postal & Revolvers during searches at Sandeshkhali in a case related to violence against Enforcement Directorate (ED) officials.
During searches, the following articles have been recovered:-
3… https://t.co/gJy0j3BNjj pic.twitter.com/6hpEI5BSkL— ANI (@ANI) April 26, 2024
During the raid, conducted with assistance from CRPF personnel, the CBI recovered three foreign-made revolvers, one Indian revolver, a Colt Official Police revolver, and various bullets and cartridges. Additionally, incriminating documents related to Sheikh Shahjahan were seized.
Amidst the recovery of arms in Sandeshkhali, the reign of fear perpetuated by Sheikh Sahajahan looms large.
It's time to dismantle the networks of terror and restore peace to the region. No more intimidation, no more violence. #CBI #Sandeshkhali #EndTerror pic.twitter.com/TRvbXDbG3E
— Locket Chatterjee (@me_locket) April 26, 2024
Bomb squads from the National Security Guard were also deployed to dispose of suspected country-made bombs found at the location. The investigation, prompted by information suggesting that lost items from the January incident and other evidence may have been concealed at Taleb’s residence, remains ongoing.
#Breaking: NSG commandos reach #Sandeshkhali after huge cache of arms & ammunition recovered by CBI from a building this morning. pic.twitter.com/OeCc9Ou3i4
— Pooja Mehta (@pooja_news) April 26, 2024
The development has sparked political controversy, with opposition leader Suvendu Adhikari criticising the Trinamool Congress government for its handling of the situation. Adhikari questioned the successive deployments of security forces in Sandeshkhali, including the ED, CBI, NIA, and NSG, implying the possibility of further escalation. He accused Chief Minister Mamata Banerjee of supporting individuals like Sheikh Shahjahan.
In response, TMC leader Kunal Ghosh raised doubts about the discovery, suggesting that rival parties may have planted the arms. Ghosh emphasised the lack of official confirmation from the CBI and urged vigilance from the police.
The arrest of Sheikh Shahjahan in February, after a 55-day evasion, followed the Calcutta High Court‘s admonition of the state police for delays in apprehending him. The ongoing investigation underscores the political tensions surrounding the incident and its implications for the state.