Addressing a poll rally in Rajasthan’s Tonk-Sawai Madhopur, Prime Minister Narendra Modi launched a scathing attack on the Congress party, alleging that it had banned the recitation of the Hanuman Chalisa and the celebration of Ram Navami in Rajasthan. He claimed that under the Congress regime, even listening to the Hanuman Chalisa had become a crime, lamenting the difficulty in practicing one’s faith under their rule.
#WATCH | Addressing a public gathering in Tonk-Sawai Madhopur, Rajasthan, Prime Minister Narendra Modi says, "In the rule of Congress, even listening to Hanuman Chalisa becomes a crime. Rajasthan has been its sufferer…For the first time on Ram Navami this time, Shobha Yatra…
— ANI (@ANI) April 23, 2024
PM Modi highlighted the significance of Hanuman Jayanti, which coincided with his remarks, and criticised the Congress for its alleged suppression of religious festivities. He cited the recent Ram Navami celebrations in Rajasthan as an example of the Congress’s restrictive policies, contrasting it with the state’s historical reverence for such occasions.
#WATCH | Addressing a public gathering in Tonk-Sawai Madhopur, Rajasthan, Prime Minister Narendra Modi says, "While talking to you today on Hanuman Jayanti, I remember a picture from a few days ago. A few days ago, in Congress-ruled Karnataka, a shopkeeper was brutally beaten up…
— ANI (@ANI) April 23, 2024
#WATCH | Addressing a public gathering in Tonk-Sawai Madhopur, Rajasthan, Prime Minister Narendra Modi says, "The truth is that when the Congress was in power, they wanted to give separate reservation to their special vote bank by breaking into the reservation of Dalits and…
— ANI (@ANI) April 23, 2024
Referring to his earlier comments on wealth redistribution during a rally in Banswara, PM Modi accused the Congress and the INDI Alliance of retaliating with verbal attacks against him. He alleged that the Congress’s manifesto included plans for wealth surveys and wealth redistribution, which he portrayed as a threat to individual prosperity.
#WATCH | Addressing a public gathering in Tonk-Sawai Madhopur, Rajasthan, Prime Minister Narendra Modi says, "The day before yesterday in Rajasthan I put forth some truth in front of the country and the entire Congress and INDI alliance went into a panic. I put forth the truth…
— ANI (@ANI) April 23, 2024
Further, PM Modi accused the Congress of tampering with the country’s Constitution, claiming that its ideology promoted appeasement and vote bank politics. He argued that the Congress’s approach to religious reservations contradicted the Constitution’s principles of equality and protection for marginalised communities.
#WATCH | Addressing a public gathering in Tonk-Sawai Madhopur, Rajasthan, Prime Minister Narendra Modi says, "…Congress party has toyed with the Constitution of the country. When the Constitution was drafted, reservation based on religion was opposed, so that SC, ST and OBC…
— ANI (@ANI) April 23, 2024
On matters of national security, PM Modi suggested that under Congress rule, issues like insurgency in Jammu & Kashmir and attacks on Indian soldiers would persist. He credited his government’s tenure since 2014 with implementing measures like One Rank One Pension and enhancing security along India’s borders.
PM Modi concluded by emphasising the transformative impact of a stable and honest government on the country’s development over the past decade. He urged voters to consider the implications of their choice in the ongoing elections, suggesting that a vote for stability and progress would ensure continued growth for the nation.