Amidst the bustling streets of Lahore’s Islampura area, a brazen attack unfolded today, April 14, claiming the life of Amir Sarfaraz Tamba, a key figure accused in the murder of Indian prisoner Sarabjit Singh. According to official sources, Tamba, known to be a close associate of Lashkar-e-Taiba (LeT) founder Hafiz Saeed, fell victim to motorcycle-borne assailants who unleashed a hail of bullets upon him. Despite being swiftly rushed to a nearby hospital, Tamba succumbed to his grievous injuries, marking an abrupt end to his life.
The demise of Tamba reignites memories of the tragic fate that befell Sarabjit Singh back in 2013. Singh, aged 49 at the time, met his untimely demise due to a heart attack while languishing in Lahore’s Jinnah Hospital. His condition had deteriorated following a brutal assault inflicted upon him by fellow inmates, including Tamba, within the confines of Kot Lakhpat jail.
Born in Lahore in 1979, Tamba’s association with the LeT founder underscores the tangled web of terrorism that has long plagued the region. His alleged involvement in the orchestrated attack on Sarabjit Singh, involving bricks and iron rods, further stains his already tainted legacy. Singh himself was embroiled in controversy, accused of participating in multiple bombings within Pakistan’s Punjab province in 1990, which led to his sentencing to death.