Prime Minister Narendra Modi engaged in a groundbreaking outreach programme with some of India’s top gamers, underscoring the burgeoning importance of the gaming industry in the country. The meeting, which took place on Thursday, April 11, saw PM Modi interact with prominent gamers including Animesh Agarwal, Mithilesh Patankar, Payal Dhare, Naman Mathur, and Anshu Bisht, shedding light on the future trajectory of gaming in India.
During the session, discussions revolved around various facets of gaming, including the emergence of games rooted in Indian mythology, the perception of gaming as a legitimate career path, and the representation of women in the gaming industry. PM Modi took a keen interest in understanding the challenges faced by gamers in India, querying prevalent misconceptions and the dichotomy between skill-based games and those focused on monetary gain. The gamers emphasised the importance of distinguishing between these categories and addressed concerns regarding the growing issue of video game addiction.
TEASER: PM Modi 'OP' meets the masters of the INDIAN GAMING WORLD!
Watch your young at heart PM Shri @narendramodi interact with India's top gamers and try his hand at several of these PC & VR games! 👇
— BJP (@BJP4India) April 11, 2024
In addition to conversing with the gamers, PM Modi actively participated in gaming activities, trying his hand at Virtual Reality (VR) games, PC and console gaming, as well as mobile gaming. This hands-on approach demonstrated his commitment to understanding the intricacies of the gaming landscape and exploring its potential for growth and development.
This engagement with gamers comes on the heels of another noteworthy event where Prime Minister Modi honoured social media influencers at the inaugural National Creators Awards in March. Notably, many of the awardees at the event were known for their right-wing affiliations, signalling the government’s efforts to engage with diverse segments of society, including digital content creators.
The meeting with gamers underscores the government’s commitment to fostering innovation and entrepreneurship in emerging sectors like gaming. By engaging with stakeholders and exploring opportunities for growth and development, the government aims to position India as a hub for gaming excellence on the global stage.
As the gaming industry continues to evolve and expand, collaborations between the government, industry players, and content creators are likely to play a pivotal role in shaping its trajectory. Prime Minister Modi’s proactive engagement with gamers reflects a forward-looking approach aimed at harnessing the transformative potential of technology and digital entertainment for India’s future prosperity and well-being.