Kerala High Court cancelled the transfer order, and disciplinary action was taken by the Higher Education Department against Dr M Rema, former Principal of Government College, Kasaragod. According to reports, the Higher Education Minister removed her from the position under pressure from Students’ Federation of India (SFI). The Court asked what action has been taken against SFI workers who attacked her. The Court pointed out that no action has been taken against cyber attacks carried out against the Principal.
The Court observed that the inquiry against Dr M Rema was unilateral. There was outside interference and interests. Court also pointed out that the second action against the Principal was misuse of power. Court asked what right SFI does have to ghearo the Principal. Freedom of expression is a Constitutional right. And it cannot be killed by disciplinary action.
Departmental action against the Principal was based on an allegation that she locked students in her chamber who protested against the lack of drinking water. But Dr Rema disclosed later that protests against her were because she questioned the immoral activities and alcohol and drug consumption of the SFI workers on the campus.
Dr Rema was on long leave until her retirement as SFI men had threatened to stop her from entering the college. She had made it clear that she was availing leave for medical treatment in the wake of the SFI attacks.
The second disciplinary action against Dr Rema was in the name of her rude behaviour to a student who came for Post Graduate admission in 2022. This journal had reported it in detail in our story of 09.30 pm IST on March 30, 2024.
The Department Director issued the second charge sheet on March 31, the day of Dr. Rema’s retirement. However, Dr. Rema had reported to the University along with the details of the Transfer Certificate she had issued to the girl student in November 2022.
The latest happening is a rude shock to the CPM-led Left Democratic Front (LDF) Government led by Pinarayi Vijayan.