Due to the recent suicide case of student Aditya Prabhu, the University Grants Commission (UGC) has issued a call for a state-led investigation into the sudden flow of suicides among students of PES University. In response to the escalating crisis, the UGC has issued a letter stating the situation’s seriousness and urged immediate action to prevent further loss of precious lives. The letter, signed by Dr Shakeel Ahmad, Joint Secretary of the UGC, emphasises the urgent requirement for a thorough investigation into the circumstances surrounding these tragic suicides. The letter also referenced a petition received from the All India Student’s Union, Champaran, Bihar, addressed to the Prime Minister, highlighting the severity of this suicide situation.
It is said that Aditya Prabhu tragically ended his life by jumping from one of the campus buildings following allegations of unfair means during an exam. This heartbreaking incident was followed by two more suicides within a short span. Surya M Achar, a third-year BTech student, took his life on December 27, 2023, followed by Vignesh K, a BBA student, who ended his life on January 30, 2024.
The letter stresses the urgency of the matter and calls attention to the broader concern expressed by parents, student groups, and other stakeholders. Multiple appeals have been made to various officials requesting them to address the underlying issues contributing to these distressing incidents of student suicide.
In light of these developments, the authorities must take decisive action to address the root causes of student distress. It is of utmost importance to strengthen support mechanisms for mental health and well-being within educational institutions. The collective efforts of all stakeholders are essential in creating a safe and supportive environment where every student feels valued and supported in their academic journey.
Aditya Prabhu’s death, in particular, has drawn attention to the intense academic pressures and the consequences of alleged misconduct during exams. The circumstances lead him to take his own life. Here, it is important to have a compassionate and understanding approach towards students who face academic difficulties. It also highlights the importance of fair and transparent assessment practices that prioritise the mental well-being of students.
The subsequent suicides also require urgency in addressing systemic issues that may be contributing to a culture of stress and despair among students. These incidents act as a reminder that we need to take proactive measures to promote mental health awareness, normalise the activity of seeking help whenever required, and provide accessible support services for those in need.
Universities and colleges need to prioritise student well-being as a fundamental aspect of their mission. This entails not only providing adequate mental health resources but also fostering a culture of empathy, support, and inclusivity. Creating spaces where students feel empowered to seek help without fear of judgment is crucial in preventing future tragedies.
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