2024 Food & Beverage Trends: Sustainable, personalized, and tech-driven

Published by
Asutosh Mohanty

The up-and-coming food industry trends mark a shift towards sustainable and personalised food choices. These include alternative protein sources, local foods, nutraceuticals, and personalised nutrition. The concern over environmental impacts is causing FoodTech startups and brands to integrate waste reduction practices as well as zero-waste workflows. Also, the COVID-19 pandemic had a compelling impact on accelerating the adoption of food industry 4.0 technologies throughout the food value chain and improving food quality.

Food producers are digitising their production floors with robotics, eCommerce, and digital food-management tools. Further, restaurants are employing robots for hospitality and cooking, as well as promoting e-commerce. The food industry is tackling the continuing impact of the COVID-19 situation using all the above tools, towards efficient, transparent, and sustainable operations.

Top 10 Food & Beverage Industry Trends in 2024

1. Alternative Proteins

Consumers are increasingly shifting towards alternative protein sources, driven by health and environmental considerations. This makes it a prominent trend in food technology. These alternatives include cultured meat, lab-grown food, plant-based nutrition, edible insects, and mycoprotein. They have high nutritional richness and resource efficiency from production to consumption, a marked contrast to traditional livestock-based protein.

2. Nutraceuticals

There is an increasing concern about the impact of food habits on health and a growing need for essential nutrients for a healthy lifestyle. With the COVID-19 pandemic, consumers are focusing more on eating healthy, making nutraceuticals a top trend in the food industry. This is a critical element in driving the demand for nutraceuticals.

3. E-Commerce

eCommerce has long been a focal point in the food and beverage industry, but the COVID-19 pandemic has accelerated innovations within food supply chains. Food brands are harnessing digital platforms to provide on-demand online delivery services and connect with customers through direct-to-customer (D2C) distribution models. Additionally, heightened safety concerns during the pandemic are fueling the growth of ghost kitchens or cloud kitchens, exclusively offering food takeout and delivery services

4. Food Safety & Transparency

Consumers prioritise the quality and safety of food products, leading to heightened food safety concerns. To address these concerns, consumers now have access to smart labels and standalone food grading devices, empowering them to make informed decisions when selecting food items. Additionally, advancements in blockchain technology and real-time food monitoring via Internet of Things (IoT) devices allow food brands to offer comprehensive end-to-end traceability

5. Personalised Nutrition

Growing consumer awareness about nutrition is fueling the demand for personalised nutrition solutions. These solutions encompass nutrigenomics-based diets and also cater to individual preferences such as sugar-free, gluten-free, vegan diets, and clean-label food products. Technological advancements like 3D printing and the integration of robotics into food production lines enable food manufacturers to offer personalised nutrition on a large scale.

6. Restaurant Digitisation

Digitisation in restaurants enhances the customer experience and also streamlines operational management, leading to improved efficiency. It empowers restaurant brands to collect valuable data at every stage, facilitating data-driven decision-making across operations. The upheaval caused by the COVID-19 pandemic has accelerated the adoption of digital management systems throughout the food and beverage supply chain. To minimise direct human-to-human contact, restaurants are integrating digital menus, self-service kiosks, and cashless payment methods.

7. Digital Food Management

The integration of big data analytics and AI, coupled with real-time monitoring, facilitates comprehensive digital food management from farm to fork. Innovative startups are developing food management solutions that optimise manufacturing processes and streamline supply chain operations. Further, the digitisation of restaurants empowers businesses to analyse customer behavior and forecast demand based on consumer preferences. Collectively, these digital solutions empower food producers to gain a deeper understanding of market requirements and anticipate potential disruptions. This minimises losses and improves surplus food inventory management.

8. Food Waste Reduction

Addressing food wastage is paramount in the global effort to combat food insecurity and reduce the environmental footprint associated with the food industry. Food entrepreneurs and major corporations are prioritising food waste reduction as a means to achieve sustainability and cut operational costs. The implementation of advanced food monitoring solutions empowers food producers, restaurants, and smart cities to proactively mitigate food waste. Further, there is a notable shift towards adopting zero-waste approaches in food manufacturing. This emphasises the upcycling and reuse of food waste to create value and resonate with environmentally-conscious consumers.

9. Robotics

In the food and beverage industry, robotics plays a pivotal role across the entire value chain. It improves efficiency, consistency, and scalability throughout food production processes. Hospitality robots find their place in hotels and restaurants, elevating customer convenience and safety. Robotic chefs and food processing robots further solidify food robotics as a prominent trend in food technology. Autonomous drones and vehicles are emerging as efficient alternatives to manual delivery services, increasing cost savings. These drones and other food-handling robots facilitate rapid and cost-effective food tagging and monitoring in warehouses and grocery stores. In effect, the robotics bloom in the food industry is expediting food production revenue with enhanced speed and precise food quality control.

10. 3D Food Printers

3D food printers open up possibilities for personalised diets and the creation of alternative protein-based meals, offering precision and consistency in nutrition. While material extrusion remains the most widely used method in food printing, startups are exploring innovative approaches such as laser and inkjet food printing, as well as bioprinting. These novel methods enhance the quality and accuracy of 3D-printed food products. With an emphasis on meeting specific product requirements and ensuring consistent quality, ongoing research in 3D food printing is geared toward large-scale food production. As a result, 3D food printing simplifies production processes and reduces costs. Further, it empowers food brands to deliver personalised food products at scale without the need for additional tooling and operational expenses.

Impact of the Top 10 Food & Beverage Industry  Trends in 2024

The Tree Map below illustrates the impact of the 10 new trends in Food & Beverage Industry in 2024. Consumers shifting to alternative protein sources, including lab-grown food, is the most significant trend in the food industry.

Further, the increased awareness of nutrition and health concerns during the pandemic drives the demand for nutraceuticals and personalised nutrition. Food e-commerce is another big trend that is fueled by the COVID-19 situation. Also, there is a substantial rise in food safety concerns directly impacting food transparency across the food value chain.

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