In a surprise move, the Anti Terrorist Squad of Uttar Pradesh (UPATS) arrested Kafeeluddin from Vellore in Tamil Nadu on March 22. Kafeeluddin wanted a fugitive allegedly involved in an illegal infiltration and human trafficking syndicate. Mainly Rohingya Muslims from neighbouring countries.
According to Uttar Pradesh DGP Prashant Kumar, his arrest is a major shot for the UP police’s arm, and efforts are to secure his transit remand and bring him to UP. He told media that arrests were part of the ongoing intensive efforts to dismantle networks facilitating illegal immigration and anti-national activities. IG of Police ATS Nilabja Chaudhary said Kafeeludin, son of Ridwanul Kabir, had been residing in Vellore since 2017. He became friendly with Sheikh Najibul Haq, one of the previously detained suspects in a human trafficking case. He said the initial probe reveals Kafeeluddin was instrumental in providing financial backing to Bangladeshi and Rohingya nationals residing illegally in India using funds provided by Huq. He was also involved in the forgery of passports and other essential Indian identity documents for these illegal migrants.
DGP Prashant Kumar said, “The arrest of Kafeeluddin marks a significant milestone in the ongoing crackdown against illicit immigration networks. We are now pursuing legal procedures to secure his transit remand for further questioning and legal proceedings”. He said Kafeeluddin’s original address traces back to Chittagong, Bangladesh.
It is to be noted that the ATS first found the syndicate last November, and it has so far arrested Adilur Rehman, Abu Hurera Gazi, Sheikh Nazibullah, Tanya Mandal, Ibrahim Khan, Abu Saleh, Abdul Awwal for helping illegal immigrants from Bangladesh and Myanmar –in exchange of huge sums of money – to enter India on the pretext of providing better jobs.
Meanwhile, UPATS officials arrested on March 29 four persons, including three women, allegedly of Rohingya origin, on charges of illegally crossing the India-Bangladesh border and entering India under false identities. The arrested individuals were identified as Aamir Hamza, Meena Jahan, Sukura Begum and Onatra Begum, all residents of Myanmar.
DGP Kumar said, “These individuals were suspected of using forged documents to establish themselves as Indian nationals and engaging in anti-national activities across various states in India. Upon receiving credible information, the Uttar Pradesh ATS team intercepted a group of Rohingya citizens, including women, travelling from Silchar, Assam, to New Delhi via train on March 27.” Aamir Hamza used to lure girls from Myanmar on the pretext of good job opportunities and salaries. Later, he provided them with fake Indian identities and sent them to states like Jammu and Kashmir, Telangana and Karnataka.
“The presence of Kafeeluddin shows the failure of Tamil Nadu intelligence and Central intelligence agencies. It was not known to them until the UPATS tracked them to Tamil Nadu. Is the recently launched Tamil Nadu ATS functioning ? “asks a critic.