Itanagar: In a resounding display of dominance, Arunachal Pradesh Chief Minister Pema Khandu secured an uncontested victory from the Mukto Assembly constituency, reaffirming the Bharatiya Janata Party’s (BJP) stronghold in the region. Khandu’s unopposed win is emblematic of a larger trend, as he stands among five BJP candidates who clinched their seats without facing any opposition.
The opposition’s inability to field suitable candidates against the BJP underscores the ruling party’s firm grip on power in Arunachal Pradesh. With the deadline for filing nominations expiring on March 26, the BJP capitalised on the lack of viable challengers in key constituencies, cementing its position in the state’s political landscape.
Joining Khandu in the ranks of uncontested winners are Ratu Techi from Sagalee and Hage Appa from Ziro, both securing their seats without encountering any opposition. The absence of rival candidates in crucial districts like Papum Pare signals a clear path for the BJP to sweep the assembly elections.
Er Ratu Techi’s emergence as a prominent contender in Sagalee further strengthens the BJP’s hold, with no opposition candidates stepping forward before the nomination deadline. Similarly, Er Hage Appa’s uncontested victory in Ziro bolsters the ruling party’s prospects in Lower Subansiri district.
The BJP’s electoral juggernaut extends beyond Mukto and Sagalee, with additional uncontested wins by Jikke Tako from Tali, Nyato Dukom from Taliha, and Mutchu Mithi from Roing Assembly constituencies. The absence of opposition candidates in these areas solidifies the BJP’s dominance and sets the stage for a commanding victory in the upcoming elections.
Former Chief Minister Nabam Tuki, a stalwart with 30 years of service as MLA from Sagalee, opted to contest parliamentary elections this time, shifting his focus to Aalo. Tuki’s decision reflects the evolving political landscape and the BJP’s growing influence in the region.
As Arunachal Pradesh braces for the electoral fray, the BJP’s uncontested victories underscore its formidable presence and the challenge facing the opposition in countering its ascendancy. With the stage set for the assembly elections, all eyes are on the ruling party as it seeks to consolidate its grip on power in the state. The assembly elections in the state is slated on April 19 simultaneously with the Lok Sabha elections 24. The result of the assembly election will be declared on June 2, two days ahead of the general election result.