The Directorate of Enforcement (ED), Lucknow Zonal Office, has provisionally attached six movable and immovable properties worth Rs 50.37 crore allegedly belonging to Samprash Foods Limited, its director Chand Narain Kuchroo and his associate Anmol Ratan Construction and Builders Pvt Ltd under the provisions of the Prevention of Money Laundering Act (PMLA), 2002.
ED said that the properties attached are situated in Aligarh, Uttar Pradesh, Gurgaon and Faridabad, Haryana and are in the form of Plant and Machinery of Food Processing Plant, non-agricultural Land, Office premises and residential flats.
“These properties are registered in the name of the entity Samprash Foods Ltd, its director Chand Narain Kuchroo and its related entity, Anmol Ratan Construction and Builders Pvt Ltd. ED initiated investigation on the basis of FIR registered by CBI, New Delhi, under various sections of IPC, 1860, on the basis of complaint filed by the Regional Head, Delhi(S), Union Bank of India against M/s Samprash Foods Limited and others for misappropriation of loan amount and default of payment of Rs.60.88 Crore as on 31.03.2017,” ED said in a statement.
ED further said that in its investigation, it has been revealed that CN Kuchroo, along with his associates, had registered various dummy entities and opened bank accounts in the names of employees of the company and some private persons.
“The working capital amount was siphoned off/laundered through these entities in the guise of increased turnover at Samprash Food Ltd. to get the CC limit increased and then used that transferred amount for personal gain and purposes other than for which the loan was sanctioned,” the central agency said.
Further investigation is underway.
(with inputs from ANI)