The BJP’s Lok Sabha candidate from the Hyderabad constituency, Madhavi Latha, took a dig at the Bharat Rashtra Samithi (BRS) after party founder and former chief minister K Chandrashekhar Rao’s daughter, K Kavitha, was arrested by the Enforcement Directorate in the Delhi liquor policy case, saying that their government spared neither water nor alcohol when it comes to indulging in corruption or scams.
“They spared neither water nor alcohol. While water was taken care of by the father (KCR), alcohol was in the hands of the daughter (Kavitha). The ED and the IT got to know about it. They are in the process of giving her the punishment that they deem fit,” Latha told media on March 15.
The previous BRS Government was also under the scanner for alleged corruption in the Kaleshwaram lift irrigation project.
Listing out the alleged misdeeds of the former BRS government in Telangana, Latha said, “They have not constructed flyovers in the Old City. Isn’t that wrong? They wronged the people in every move they made. The dam that they constructed has started coming apart. Isn’t that wrong?”
The BJP candidate from Hyderabad stated further that the law is gender-neutral and if any successful woman gets involved in scams, they are bound to get punished.
“Law is equal for everyone, be it a woman or a man. When a woman steps up and establishes themselves as doctors, engineers and politicians, they should do so keeping justice in mind. If you do not do so and get into scams, you are bound to get punished. Punishment does not depend on whether the person is a man or a woman,” Latha said.
In response to a question on the timing of the arrest, on the day Prime Minister Narendra Modi held a roadshow in Telangana, Latha said, “It took time for the ED to come with all the documentation. They arrested her after furnishing all evidence in the case.”
Hitting out at the Congress for accusing that BJP of involvement in Kavitha’s arrest ahead of the Lok Sabha polls, the Telangana BJP leader said the party had levelled the same allegation in 2023 when Kavitha was not arrested.
“In 2023, when Kavitha was not arrested, everyone came hard at us saying the BJP was protected her. But that was not the case. The ED and IT work separately and we cannot interfere in their work. Now when the ED arrested her, they are again saying that we are involved,” Latha said.
On the BRS planning protests across Telangana on March 16, against Kavitha’s arrest, the BJP leader also took a dig at the party over its election symbol (car) saying that their car will never come out of the garage.
“Did they repair their car (symbol) from the garage that they are now planning protests? It won’t be repaired anytime soon. They were involved in so many wrongdoings in all these years that their car will be in the garage for the longest time and will never be repaired,” Latha said.
(with inputs from ANI)