On International Women’s Day, 38-year-old Sadvi Shipra Pathak, a resident of Uttar Pradesh, was assaulted during her padyatra (journey on foot) from Ayodhya to Rameswaram in Tamil Nadu. The attack occurred near Paramakudi, highlighting the vulnerability of women, even those in the role of a sadhu, to violence on Tamil Nadu’s soil. Sadvi Shipra Pathak embarked on her padyatra from Ayodhya in November 2023, accompanied by her father and brother, who traveled alongside her in another vehicle. The yatra serves dual purposes.
The padyatra undertaken by Sadvi Shipra Pathak holds twin objectives. Firstly, it aims to establish Janaki Vatika on Ram Van Gaman Marg, a route associated with Bhagwan Ram’s journey from Ayodhya to Rameswaram. Secondly, the yatra seeks to raise awareness about river conservation, emphasising the significance of preserving forests and greenery along ancient riverbanks. Additionally, it aims to spread the divine message of Bhagwan Ram beyond Ayodhya, asserting his universal significance.
On the night of March 8, Sadhvi Shipra Pathak and her brother arrived in Paramakudi, located in the Ramanathapuram district. Observing the occasion of Shivratri, Sadhvi visited nearby Shiva temples for darshan before lodging at the Paramakudi Government guest house. The following morning, on March 9, she resumed her padyatra towards Rameshwaram. The extensive journey, spanning an impressive 4000 kilometers, commenced on November 27, 2023, from Ayodhya, tracing the historic path taken by Bhagwan Ram, Mata Sita, and Bhagwan Lakshman after their exile. Notably, the journey reached Madurai on March 4, 2024, and included the insertion of the Pran Prathista Dwaj in the front of the car.
During Sadhvi Shipra Pathak’s Yatra from Paramakudi to Rameshwaram, a distressing incident occurred as a group of six unidentified individuals obstructed her path and began to harass her. The anti-Hindu men subjected Sadhvi to intimidation and verbal abuse, prompting her to seek refuge inside the car where her father and brother were traveling. Despite retreating to safety, the miscreants pursued and continued their assault. In response, Sadhvi defiantly asserted, “Ram is in Ayodhya, not here (Tamil Nadu)! What business do you have here?! Go and find Ram in Ayodhya!” Enraged by her words, the assailants proceeded to shatter the window panels of the car, resulting in minor injuries to Sadhvi’s hand. The attack occurred near the Ariyanendal Bridge, approximately 9 kilometers from Paramakudi. Following the assault, the attackers swiftly fled the scene in their vehicle.
சுற்றுச்சூழல் பாதுகாப்பை வலியுறுத்தி அயோத்தியிலிருந்து இராமேஸ்வரத்திற்கு பாதயாத்திரை ஆக வருகை தந்த சிப்ரா பதக் என்ற துறவியை தாக்கிய கயவர்களை உடனடியாக கைது செய்ய வேண்டுமென காவல்துறையை வலியுறுத்துகிறேன்.@annamalai_k @BJP4TamilNadu @HRajaBJP @hindumunnani_tn pic.twitter.com/deH9Z58hhp
— Pon V Balaganapathy (@ponbalabjp) March 9, 2024
अयोध्या से रामेश्वरम की पदयात्रा
वाटर वूमेन शिप्रा पाठक कर रहीं यात्रा
शिप्रा पर अज्ञात लोंगों ने किया हमला
वापस अयोध्या लौटने की दी धमकी#ayodhya #ShipraPathak @Akanksha_rjt pic.twitter.com/LBCD90ftzI— Zee Uttar Pradesh Uttarakhand (@ZEEUPUK) March 9, 2024
Upon learning of the incident, representatives from the Vishva Hindu Parishad (VHP) and Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) swiftly responded to ensure the safety of Sadhvi Shipra Pathak. Prompted by information provided by BJP and VHP officials, authorities from the Paramakudi police department promptly arrived at the scene to investigate the matter. Accompanied by BJP and VHP representatives, Sadhvi Shipra Pathak proceeded to the Deputy Superintendent’s Office in Paramakudi to formally register a complaint regarding the incident. To expedite the investigation, three police teams led by two inspectors and a sub-inspector have been tasked with apprehending the suspects involved in the attack. Following the assault, Sadhvi Pathak, along with her father and brother, was safely escorted to Rameshwaram, where they sought refuge at Gosha Mutt. Despite the ordeal, Sadhvi Shipra Pathak successfully concluded her padyatra by offering prayers at the Rameshwaram temple on March 10.
ஜெய்ஸ்ரீராம் 🙏🙏🙏
கிலோமீட்டர், தூரம், மாநிலம், ஊர், மக்களை கடந்து வந்த போதிலும்
இங்கே வந்து நம்ப ஊரில் நடக்குது என்றால்இது திருட்டு திராவிஷத்தின் தூண்டுதலே. pic.twitter.com/UUH6KmJ11X
— Skm (@vasudevakudumba) March 10, 2024
The VHP unit in Ramanathapuram has announced plans for a protest scheduled on March 11 in Paramakudi to denounce the recent incident involving Sadhvi Shipra Pathak. The protest, which is expected to be attended by members of the BJP and various Hindu organizations, is organized to express condemnation of the attack. Despite the police’s refusal to grant permission for the protest, Ramanathapuram district’s VHP deputy secretary, Ramanan, affirmed that the demonstration would proceed as planned. Following a Polimer news report, authorities have intensified their investigation into the incident, particularly after discovering that two of Sadhvi Shipra Pathak’s relatives serve as judges. It is reported that they will be traveling to Paramakudi to inquire further about the incident.
Shipra Pathak, a native of Badaun, Uttar Pradesh, has embarked on a journey dedicated to raising awareness about river conservation and the importance of preserving water resources. Recently, on March 4, she was recognized at an event held by Queen Mira International School in Madurai. During the ceremony, Pathak interacted with students, emphasising the crucial need for river conservation, water preservation, and the significance of tree plantation. Notably, she had previously completed a circumambulation of approximately 1,300 kilometers along the Narmada River, earning her the nickname “Water Woman.”