In a significant development, the Dravida Munnetra Kazhagam (DMK) has come under scrutiny once again as Tamil Nadu Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) President Annamalai released another audio clip today. The purported conversation between 2G scam-tainted former Union Minister A Raja and former Intelligence Chief Jaffer Sait, IPS, sheds light on the alleged manipulation of the 2G probe by the DMK.
The audio clip, part of a series of releases by the DMK, exposes conversations between A Raja and Jaffer Sait during the 2G probe. The discussion revolves around a potential test run of a Central Bureau of Investigation (CBI) raid in Tamil Nadu. A Raja expresses concern about the possibility of raids across various locations associated with him, prompting the urgency to alert others and prepare for the situation.
During the conversation, DMK MP A Raja mentions the challenge of reaching a specific individual (referred to as “our friend”) discreetly, emphasising the need for covert communication. The conversation suggests a level of secrecy and caution, with A Raja stressing the use of a secure phone number for communication.
The transcript reveals discussions about the potential timing and scale of the raid, with A Raja indicating the involvement of 10 to 12 simultaneous searches. The overall tone of the conversation conveys a sense of urgency and the necessity for discreet communication in anticipation of an imminent event.
A Raja: Sir, I think there will be a small test run (CBI Raid) in Tamil Nadu tomorrow.
Jaffar Sait (JS): What is it, Sir?
A Raja: I think there will be a test run throughout Tamil Nadu.
JS: Is it tomorrow?
A Raja: Test run.
JS: Where?
A Raja: All the places associated with me.
JS: Oh, places associated with you, is it?
A Raja: Yes. I haven’t conveyed the message yet. I do not know how to convey this message.
JS: Oh, oh.
A Raja: To close the procedure…
JS: Okay, okay.
A Raja: There will be a test run I guess. I am also struggling now; ‘our person’ has switched off his mobile. He knows the phone number of our leader.
JS: Okay, through whom?
A Raja: Does he have any other number?
JS: Who?
A Raja: Our friend. Your friend.
JS: You mean my friend?
A Raja: No, no. Our Perambalur friend… (Sadiq Batchas business parner of A Raja, in Perambalur who died mysteriously by hanging).
JS: I don’t think there is another number.
A Raja: I couldn’t reach his number.
JS: Oh.
A Raja: Hmm.
JS: Okay… that means.
A Raja: I thought of alerting everyone somehow.
JS: I’ll convey the message by some other means.
A Raja: I already informed.
JS: Okay.
A Raja: I informed last week itself. Told them to keep everything in a bag and be ready (to move).
JS: Okay
A Raja: But still now…
JS: There is no time now. Probably around 6’O clock.
A Raja: There is no bad intention.
JS: Okay.
A Raja: I have to accept all the truth before the court.
JS: Okay. We shall complete it by 6 or 6:30 in the morning.
A Raja: They are planning to raid 10 to 12 places simultaneously.
JS: Okay.
A Raja: Okay let’s see. I tried to reach him but couldn’t.
JS: Okay. sir
A Raja: I think he was awake whole night to call and alert his people. JS: I’ll try to reach him by other means.A Raja: I don’t know. I couldn’t reach him on his usual number. Let’s see.
JS: Okay, sir
A Raja: I’m talking to you on this number because it is safe.
JS: Okay. Sir
Fifth tape: Conversation between DMK MP & former Min. Thiru A Raja (the prime accused in the 2G case) & MS Jaffar Sait, a former chief of TN State Intelligence. #DMKFiles3
A stage-managed CBI raid where the accused of the Scam gets advance information of the raid. The worst part…
— K.Annamalai (@annamalai_k) March 7, 2024
Annamalai has said he would release some more tapes before the Lok Sabha polls in 2024, involving some other party leaders. He had earlier released audio tapes of conversations that occurred during the 2G probe that seem to prove that the probe was manipulated.