The Enforcement Directorate on March 7 raided the premises of Samajwadi Party’s jailed MLA Irfan Solanki in Uttar Pradesh’s Kanpur. According to the officials, the premises of Solanki’s brother, Arshad, was also raided.
Irfan Solanki has been lodged in jail for the past year after a woman accused him of attempting to encroach upon a plot. So far, 17 cases have been filed against Solanki.
The MLA is also booked under several cases, including plot disputes, arson, air travel with a fake Aadhaar card, and giving fake Indian citizenship to Bangladeshi citizens.
Earlier, Irfan Solanki had filed an application to cast a vote in the recently concluded Rajya Sabha elections. However, the court had dismissed his application.
(with inputs from ANI)
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