Akhil Bharatiya Vidhyarthi Parishad organised a protest march in New Delhi on March 5, 2024, over the deteriorating law and order situation at Banga Bhawan. Sandeshkhali in West Bengal is on the boil as the stories of violent sexual abuse against women come to the fore. It has been reported that the heavy weight of the Trinamool Congress Party Sheikh Shahjahan was being shielded by Mamata Banerjee’s government in West Bengal, even though women in Sandeshkhali openly came out and raised their voices against him for sexually and physically exploiting them.
Coming out in support of the victims of Sandeshkhali and to make the people of the country aware of the plight of the women in West Bengal, which is being run by a female Chief Minister, ABVP supporters raised slogans against the Chief Minister and pressed their demand for the dismissal of the government. Supporters of ABVP raised slogans calling for justice.
ABVP is at the forefront of raising their voice with regards to protecting the rights and integrity of women’s rights. The protesting students were irked at the lacklustre attitude of the West Bengal government. ABVP called for the immediate dismissal of the TMC government in West Bengal. The air resonated with slogans like ” Vande Mataram”, and ” Mahilao ke Samman mein, ABVP maidan mein”
There was anger and anguish among the protestors as they raised their voice, demanding justice for victims of sexual violence in Sandeshkhali. The objective of the ABVP protest is to show how the dignity and integrity of women are being tarnished in a state where a woman is a Chief Minister and where people worship Maa Durga.
Aprajita, the secretary of the Delhi University Student Union (DUSU) slammed Mamata Banerjee for not standing up for the rights of the women.
Sandeshkhali caught the eye of the nation as the women over there came out in large numbers last month to raise their voice against TMC leader Sheikh Shahjhan, who, along with his goons, was involved in sexually abusing the women.Apart from physical and sexual abuse, he was also involved in illegally grabbing the land of the people of Sandeshkhali.
What is unfortunate is that all possible steps were taken to stifle the voice of the women who were victims of atrocities of Sheikh Shahjahan.
This is evident from the fact that the fact finding committee that was set up to inquire into the Sandeshkhali case was arrested by the West Bengal police, and they were stopped from proceeding further towards Sandeshkhali.
During the recent visit to West Bengal, Prime Minister Narendra Modi came down heavily on Mamata Banerjee and the administration for not taking any action against the perpetrators of crime.
The notorious goon Shekh Shahjahan had also attacked Enforcement Directorate officials when they had gone to interrogate him. It was only after the judicial intervention that Sheikh Shahjahan was arrested by the West Bengal police. As per the recent development, the court has told the West Bengal government that it is the Central Bureau of Investigation (CBI) that will take up the case of Sheikh Shahjahan and interrogate him after it was found that the probe done by the West Bengal police was extremely biased.