Kerala University Vice Chancellor Dr. Mohan Kunnummel has directed the removal of the term “Intifada” from all materials related to the upcoming Youth Festival. The decision comes in response to complaints and a petition filed with the Kerala High Court, raising concerns about the controversial name given to the festival.
The controversy surrounding the name “Intifada” emerged when the University Students Union assigned it to the Youth Festival. However, the VC sought an explanation, which was deemed unsatisfactory, leading to his recent directive. The order mandates the removal of the term from posters, social media, and brochures associated with the festival.
The term “Intifada” holds significance in the context of Palestinian Hamas terrorists using it to describe their activities against Israel. The VC’s decision emphasizes the need to avoid actions that may hurt the sentiments of students, teachers, and the general public. Furthermore, the order notes that the term contradicts the country’s foreign policy, and potential legal disputes could harm the university’s reputation.
SFI (Students’ Federation of India) had proposed the caption “Arts’ Protest Against Invasions” for the festival, attempting to provide an alternative to “Intifada.” Concerned students brought to the VC’s attention the association of “Intifada” with Hamas and its call for attacks against Israel. The students urged the university to reconsider using a term associated with terrorism for a youth event.
In response to the VC’s directive, the university’s Registrar sought a report from the Students Service Director, Dr. Siddiq, who argued that “Intifada” merely means “Rising Resistance.” However, the VC, unsatisfied with the explanation, promptly ordered the withdrawal of the “Intifada” logo.
The controversy raises questions about the appropriateness of using politically charged terms for university events and the balance between artistic expression and potential sensitivities. As the university takes corrective measures, the focus shifts to the forthcoming Youth Festival and its impact on the campus community.
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