In a poignant farewell, Kerala wing of the Rashtriya Swayamsevak Sangh mourns the demise of K Purushothaman (77), a stalwart RSS Pracharak who passed away on February 24, 2024, after battling illness for several years. His invaluable contributions to the Sangh and society left an indelible mark, earning him the love and respect of his fellow swayamsevaks.
Commencing his journey as a Sangh Pracharak in 1968 at the age of 22, Purushothamji’s unwavering commitment led him through various roles in different parts of Kerala. Serving as Taluk Pracharak, Zilla Pracharak, and Vibhag Pracharak, he exhibited commendable leadership and dedication. His pivotal role as Pranth Karyalaya Pramukh showcased his organisational skills, steering the Madhava Nivas complex in Kochi through challenging times.
Beyond his Sangh responsibilities, Purushothamji took charge as the Managing Director of the Janmabhumi Malayalam Daily, exhibiting resilience and adept leadership during financial adversity. His stint as the organising secretary of Kerala Pradesh Matsya Pravarthaka Samgham, advocating for the welfare of the fishermen community, highlighted his commitment to social causes.
Sadly, Purushothamji’s health declined due to prolonged diabetes, leading to dialysis and his eventual withdrawal from organisational responsibilities. Despite these challenges, he remained a source of inspiration for generations of young men who admired his noble life and chose the path of dedicated Sangh service.
Purushothamji’s profound impact extended beyond his organisational roles; he was a public relations expert, orchestrating the transformation of Pranth Karyalaya into a vibrant hub of activities. His initiation of Deepavali celebrations as a people’s programme for Sangh families and sympathizers showcased his foresight and connect with the community.
As the news of his demise spread, Sangh families, swayamsevaks, and sympathisers across Kerala flocked to Pranth Karyalaya to pay their last respects to this venerable soul. Purushothamji’s funeral rites were conducted on the evening of February 24, marking the end of an era for Kerala RSS.
With the departure of Purushothamji, Kerala RSS has lost not just a senior Pracharak but a compassionate leader who, through his simplicity, mature character, and exemplary conduct, left an enduring legacy of success and dedication. His six and a half decades of selfless service remain an inspirational saga for future generations of swayamsevaks.