In yet another devastating incident, a firecracker manufacturing unit in Ramuthevanpatti near Vembakottai, Sattur block, witnessed a catastrophic explosion on February 17, resulting in the loss of at least ten lives and leaving three individuals with severe burn injuries. The explosion, occurring around 12:30 PM, ripped through the Winner Fireworks facility, engulfing nearby sheds in flames and causing extensive damage. Reports indicate that friction during the mixing of chemicals for firecracker production ignited the fatal blast, leading to the tragic demise of workers, with bodies found charred and mutilated amidst the wreckage.
The unit, owned by Vignesh and comprising over 50 operational sheds, possessed a license from the Petroleum and Explosives Safety Organisation. Prompt response teams, including fire tenders from Vembakottai, Elayirampannai, and Sivakasi, rushed to the scene but faced significant challenges in containing the inferno. Sadly, nine individuals were declared dead upon arrival at the Sivakasi government hospital, while one succumbed to injuries shortly thereafter.
Amidst the grief and shock, Chief Minister M K Stalin announced financial assistance of Rs. 3 lakh to the families of the deceased and Rs. 1 lakh to those critically injured. TN Disaster Management Minister KKSSR Ramachadran and Aruppukottai MLA visited the injured at Sivakasi government hospital, emphasizing the imperative to bolster monitoring efforts and enforce stringent measures to prevent such calamities.
District Collector VP Jayaseelan highlighted preliminary findings attributing the accident to overcrowding and non-compliance with safety regulations in the chemical mixing room. He vowed to take decisive action against units violating safety protocols, with plans for permanent closure of non-compliant facilities. A comprehensive investigation, led by an interdepartmental team, has been initiated to ascertain the root cause of the explosion, complemented by ongoing inspections by multiple agencies at firecracker units across the region.
Labour Welfare Minister C V Ganesan underscored that the majority of units in Virudhunagar district operate without incident, emphasizing the critical role of adherence to regulations in averting tragedies. Expressing condolences, TN Governor RN Ravi mourned the loss of lives and extended prayers for the swift recovery of the injured.
As authorities grapple with the aftermath of yet another firecracker mishap, concerns regarding safety standards and regulatory enforcement loom large. With data revealing a grim tally of 131 fatalities between 2019 and 2023 in firecracker-related accidents in Virudhunagar district alone, calls for comprehensive reform and stringent oversight resonate more urgently than ever before.