The Hindu festival of Basant Panchami, also known as Vasant Panchami, Sri Panchami, and Saraswati Panchami, is celebrated on the first day of spring and falls on the fifth day of the month of Magha. It also heralds the start of Holi preparations, which take place forty days following the feast. Maa Saraswati, the Hindu goddess of learning, music, and the arts is honoured throughout the festival.
Basant Panchami 2024 date and time
This year the festival of Basant Panchami will be observed on February 14, 2024. The auspicious timings are as follows:
Panchami Tithi Begins – February 13, 2024 – 02:41 PM
Panchami Tithi Ends – February 14, 2024 – 12:09 PM
Saraswati Puja Time – February 14, 2024 – 06:17 AM to 12:01 PM
According to legend, Kalidasa, distraught over his wife’s abandonment, planned to commit suicide by drowning himself in a river. He was about to do so when the Mata Saraswati appeared from the water and invited Kalidasa to bathe in it. His life changed after that when he was endowed with wisdom and became a great poet.
Another legend is based on the Hindu god of love, Kama, and according to mythology, Kamadeva once disrupted Bhagwan Shiva’s meditation after his wife Sati’s death. Seers approached Kama to awaken Shiva from his meditation so that he could reconnect with the world and notice Mata Parvati’s efforts for him.
Kama concurred and used his sugarcane-made bow to shoot arrows at Shiva that was developed of flowers and bees. Kama was destroyed by the third eye of Bhagwan Shiva, who had become furious. Shiva promised to resurrect him on Basant Panchami after Rati (his wife) completed a 40-day fast. He supposedly afterwards gave birth to the son of Bhagwan Krishna named Pradumna.
On this day, the colour yellow holds a lot of significance. People dress in yellow for the festival, worship the Mata Saraswati, and consume customary foods. Yellow is a sign of both knowledge and the fields of mustard, which signal the beginning of spring.
Throughout the nation, Basant Panchami is celebrated with slightly diverse customs, and wonderful traditional foods are prepared and savoured on this day. While kite flying is popular in North India, particularly in Punjab and Haryana, it is celebrated as Saraswati Puja in the East of the Country, such as West Bengal.
It is known as Sri Panchami in the Southern States. Flowers are exchanged as gifts in Gujarat, where bouquets and garlands are decorated with mango leaves. On this day, people worship Bhagwan Shiva and Mata Parvati in the Indian States of Maharashtra, Madhya Pradesh, Chhattisgarh, and Uttar Pradesh.
(with inputs from ANI)