Tensions flared in Bharatpur, Rajasthan, on February 11 as reports surfaced of an alleged attempt to convert hundreds of people to Christianity within hotel premises. The incident, which unfolded during a prayer meeting, triggered a swift response from Hindu organisations, leading to confrontations and subsequent police intervention.
According to media sources, a gathering of hundreds assembled for a prayer session on Sunday at a hotel located along the highway in Bharatpur. However, upon learning of the event, Hindu organisations swiftly mobilised and converged at the hotel, escalating tensions between the two groups.
The situation escalated into clashes between the attendees and Hindu activists, prompting the intervention of law enforcement authorities. Police officials arrived at the scene and detained several individuals suspected of having affiliations with Christian missionaries, bringing the situation under control. Subsequently, complaints were lodged by Hindu organisations at the Atal Dam police station.
Bharatpur’s Chief Officer has affirmed ongoing investigations into the matter, with a pledge to take appropriate action against those found guilty. While no arrests have been made thus far, reports indicate that 20 individuals have been taken into custody for questioning. Authorities have assured that comprehensive details regarding the incident will be revealed upon the conclusion of the investigation.
Reports from various sources shed light on the alleged activities during the prayer meeting. Vishwa Hindu Parishad District President Lakhan Singh claimed that attendees were subjected to disparaging remarks about Hindu deities, with assertions that embracing Christianity would resolve all their troubles. He further alleged that attendees, particularly women, were incentivised with Rs 500 payments for their participation, along with promises of financial assistance for familial matters.
The event has sparked controversy and raised concerns over religious conversions in the region. Multiple media outlets have reported conflicting figures regarding the number of attendees, ranging from 300 to 500 individuals.
As investigations continue, the incident underscores simmering tensions surrounding religious conversions and highlights the need for dialogue and understanding among communities in Bharatpur.