In a shocking incident in Karnataka’s Shikaripura town, four Muslim youths viciously attacked a 23-year-old Hindu man named Susheel on the evening of February 6th, leaving him gravely injured. The altercation ensued when Susheel intervened to stop the youths from performing stunts on their bicycles in front of his residence, infuriating the assailants who subsequently assaulted him in the stomach and chest.
Identified as Zeeshan and Mubarak, two of the attackers, along with a juvenile, confronted Susheel after he objected to their reckless riding. Following a heated exchange, the juvenile left the scene only to return later with reinforcements, leading to the brutal assault on Susheel. Despite the severity of his injuries, Susheel is currently undergoing treatment at a private hospital in Shivamogga and is reported to be out of danger. He is employed as a commuter operator in a college.
Authorities have swiftly responded to the incident, apprehending three suspects, including the minor involved in the assault. A senior police official stated, “The preliminary inquiry indicates that the accused were riding recklessly. The victim’s intervention led to the altercation. Further investigation is underway, and efforts are underway to apprehend the fourth suspect.” It’s worth noting that the attackers and Susheel were not known to each other prior to the altercation.
In the aftermath of the attack, BY Vijayendra, President of the Bharatiya Janata Party’s state unit and MLA from Shikaripura, launched a scathing criticism against the Congress-led government in Karnataka, citing a breakdown in law and order. He asserted, “Whether it is incidents in Belagavi district, Haveri, Mangaluru, or yesterday’s incident in Shikaripura, it seems as though anyone can do anything.” Vijayendra criticised the government’s handling of security issues and alleged a sense of impunity among certain groups.
The incident in Shivamogga adds to a concerning trend of violence in the region, including the tragic murder of a 26-year-old tailor and Bajrang Dal worker, Harsha, in February 2022. Harsha’s death, attributed to his social media posts regarding the hijab and advocating for a uniform dress code in educational institutions, underscores the volatile atmosphere prevailing in the area.
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