On February 4th, Delhi Police apprehended Riyaz Ahmed, a retired Indian Army personnel and alleged Lashkar-e-Taiba (LeT) operative, at New Delhi Railway Station. Ahmed’s arrest comes in the wake of recent developments, including the dismantling of an LeT module by Jammu and Kashmir Police in Kupwara district, aimed at disrupting potential terrorist activities in the region.
According to police reports, Ahmed, along with accomplices Khursheed Ahmed Rather and Ghulam Sarwar Rather, conspired to acquire weapons and ammunition from handlers situated across the Line of Control (LoC). Delhi Police stated, “The accused, Riyaz Ahmed, a retired army personnel, actively collaborated with his associates to procure arms and ammunition from LeT’s terrorist handlers across the LoC, intending to carry out subversive activities in Jammu and Kashmir.”
#WATCH | Delhi Police arrests one of the active members of Lashkar-e-Taiba module operating in Kupwara, J&K has been arrested. He played an instrumental role in receiving arms and ammunition from across the LOC. The accused person has been identified as Riyaz Ahmed. One mobile… pic.twitter.com/SM4tUOh3wq
— ANI (@ANI) February 6, 2024
Ahmed’s apprehension occurred jointly with Railway Police at New Delhi Railway Station, where he attempted to evade arrest upon noticing law enforcement presence at Exit Gate Number 1. He disclosed his travel itinerary, indicating his journey from Jabalpur via Mahakaushal Express, alongside associate Altaf, arriving at Hazrat Nizamuddin Railway Station on January 3rd. Both Ahmed and Altaf retired from the Indian Army on January 31, 2023, before Ahmed proceeded to New Delhi Railway Station via auto-rickshaw.
DSP Railway KPS Malhotra revealed that Jammu and Kashmir investigating agencies alerted Delhi Police of Ahmed’s involvement in a recently uncovered LeT module in Kupwara, prompting preemptive deployment at New Delhi Railway Station. Ahmed’s intention to flee to another destination was thwarted by law enforcement.
During the arrest, Delhi Police seized a mobile phone and SIM card from Ahmed’s possession. Charges were filed under Section 120B of the Indian Penal Code (IPC), Sections 7 and 25 of the Indian Arms Act, and Sections 13, 18, 20, 23, 38, and 29 of the Unlawful Activities Prevention Act (UAPA), with concerned Jammu and Kashmir authorities duly notified.
The Kupwara module traced to Pakistan-occupied Kashmir (PoK), has been a focal point of counter-terrorism efforts. Earlier arrests in Karnah uncovered a network facilitating arms and ammunition smuggling. Notably, Zahoor Ahmed Bhat, among the detained terrorists, maintained communication with LeT handlers in PoK, orchestrating weapon transfers to support terror endeavours in India.
Ongoing investigations continue to unravel the intricate network underlying LeT’s terror operations, underscoring the persistent threat posed by cross-border terrorism.