In a striking revelation, Tamil Nadu Governor RN Ravi has expressed deep concern over the alleged restrictions imposed on Hindu devotees in the state, particularly during the celebration of the Pran Pratishtha of Ram Lalla. The governor, known for his forthright comments and as a critic of the DMK government, highlighted a palpable sense of fear and apprehension among priests and temple staff in Tamil Nadu.
Governor RN Ravi, who has been critical of the DMK and its leaders, took to the official platform to share his observations. He stated, “This morning I visited Sri Kodandaramaswami Temple, West Mambalam, Chennai, and offered prayers to Prabhu Sri Ram for the well-being of all. There was an all-pervasive sense of invisible fear and apprehensions writ large on the faces of priests and temple staff. A stark contrast to the festive environment in the rest of the country. While the entire country is celebrating the Pran Pratishtha of Ram Lalla, the temple premises here exude a sense of acute repression.”
"This morning I visited Sri Kodandaramaswami Temple, West Mambalam, Chennai, and offered prayers to Prabhu Sri Ram for the well-being of all.
This temple is under HR&CE Dept.
There was an all pervasive sense of invisible fear and apprehensions writ large on the faces of priests…— RAJ BHAVAN, TAMIL NADU (@rajbhavan_tn) January 22, 2024
The governor’s remarks are seen as a reflection of the general sentiment prevailing in the state, with accusations that the DMK government is allegedly obstructing Hindus from celebrating the grand event. Devotees claim they are being denied permission to conduct bhajans, special pujas, live screenings of proceedings on LED screens, and offering Annadanam.
This is a private temple in #Kanchipuram where Indian Finance Minister Smt.@nsitharaman is going to watch Live #Ayodhya #RamMandir #PranaPratishta !
But right now Tamil Nadu Police has entered the premises & is removing the LED screens.
What a joke this is CM Mr.@mkstalin ?
— Dr.SG Suryah (@SuryahSG) January 22, 2024
In a shocking incident, a private temple in Kancheepuram, where Union Finance Minister Nirmala Sitharaman had planned to watch the live telecast of the Pran Pratishtha ceremony in Ayodhya, witnessed police entering the premises and dismantling the LED screen setup. A video of the incident was shared by a TN state BJP functionary on social media.
The actions of the DMK government have sparked comparisons with historical persecutions during the Mughal rule, with accusations of hindering religious celebrations reminiscent of past oppressions faced by Hindus. Devotees are now calling for suitable action by the union government, urging the invocation of Article 355 due to constitutional failure in protecting fundamental rights.
Devotees argue that while the celebration may not have been declared a public holiday, actively preventing them from participating in religious ceremonies infringes upon their rights. The situation has intensified, with citizens demanding intervention before the upcoming Lok Sabha elections.
As the controversy deepens, concerns over religious freedom and fundamental rights are at the forefront. The union government’s response and potential actions in the wake of the alleged restrictions on Hindu celebrations in Tamil Nadu remain uncertain, as the state finds itself at the centre of a debate surrounding constitutional safeguards and religious liberties.