Prime Minister Narendra Modi has embarked on an 11-day ‘Anushtaan’ and a pilgrimage to key mandirs of Bhagwan Ram across the country as the much-anticipated ‘Pran Pratishtha’ approaches. Speaking about the upcoming Pran Partishta of Bhagwan Sri Ram Lalla, in his address in Solapur on January 19, the Prime Minister said that this was a time for devotion for all.
“I am now busy with my Yama Niyamas under the guidance of some saints and I am following them strictly before the ‘Pran Pratishtha’ of Ram Lalla. It is also a coincidence that my ritual started from the land of Panchavati from Nashik in Maharashtra. This time is one filled with devotion for all of us. That historic moment is going to come on January 22, when Bhagwan Ram is going to sit in his grand mandir. The decades-old pain of having darshan of our murti in a tent is now going to go away” he said.
During the 11-day Anushtaan before the Pran Pratishta, PM Modi is diligently following practices prescribed by sacred texts, including sleeping on the floor, consuming only coconut water, performing Gau-pooja (cow worship), and engaging in various forms of ‘daan’ such as ‘annadaan’ and donating clothes.
The Prime Minister has visited several mandirs in different regions, including Ramkund and Shree Kalaram Mandir in Nasik, Veerbhadra Mandir in Lepakshi, Puttaparthi, Andhra Pradesh, and Guruvayur Mandir and Triprayar Shree Ramaswami Mandir in Kerala in the past few days.
His upcoming visits will include more mandirs in Tamil Nadu over the next two days. These mandir visits serve as a unifying force for different parts of the country and hold a deep connection with Bhagwan Ram.
PM Modi’s efforts aim to strengthen India’s socio-cultural fabric, aligning with the vision of ‘Ek Bharat Shreshtha Bharat.’
In addition to his devotional activities, PM Modi initiated the Swachh Teerth initiative, actively participating in cleaning the Mandir premises of Shree Kalaram Mandir in Nasik on January 12.
His exemplary act has sparked a nationwide movement for mandir cleanliness, with people from various walks of life actively participating in the #SwachhTeerthCampaign, making it a top trend on social media platforms.
The campaign has garnered enthusiastic responses, from celebrities to the common man voluntarily following suit of the Prime Minister. Pran Pratishtha of Bhagwan Ram’s murti is scheduled at the grand mandir in Ayodhya at 12:30 PM on January 22, in the presence of Prime Minister Narendra Modi. Elaborate arrangements are being made for the ceremony.
During the ceremony, an murti of Bhagwan Ram will be enthroned in the sanctum sanctorum of the Ayodhya’s Ram Mandir. Thousands of VIP guests have received invitations from the Ram Janmabhoomi Kshetra Trust for the ceremony.
(with inputs from ANI)