In an extraordinary turn of events, a 57-year-old postage stamp from Nepal, featuring Sri Ram and Mata Sita, has surfaced, creating ripples of amazement as it aligns with the impending consecration of the Ram Mandir in Ayodhya. Issued on April 18, 1967, to commemorate Ram Navami, the stamp bears the year 2024 in the Vikram Samvat Hindu calendar, placing it in sync with the upcoming Pran Pratishtha set to take place on January 22.
The significant synchronicity between the Nepalese stamp’s issuance year and the consecration year of the temple has sparked widespread discussions and contemplation. The Vikram Samvat calendar, being 57 years ahead of the Gregorian calendar, has led to this uncanny alignment, where the year 1967 in the Gregorian calendar corresponds to 2024 in the Vikram Samvat.
Devotees’ anticipation for Bhagwan Ram’s return, spanning over 550 years, is now on the brink of realisation as preparations for the grand ceremony are in full swing. The consecration of the Ram Mandir on January 22 is a momentous occasion, symbolising the end of a long wait for devotees.
In a unique contribution to the ceremony, a 56-inch-tall drum from Ahmedabad, known for emitting a majestic lion-like sound, has arrived in Ayodhya. The drum, a symbol of grandeur and celebration, was paraded through the streets of Ayodhya, foreshadowing the vibrant festivities that will mark the installation of Sri Ram in the temple’s sanctum sanctorum.
The Pran Pratishtha ceremony will feature an eight-metal conch placed at Sri Ram’s feet, generously donated by Satya Prakash Prajapati from Aligarh to the Shri Ram Janmabhoomi Teerth Kshetra Trust overseeing the temple’s construction. Trust chairman Mahant Nritya Gopal Das expressed gratitude for the significant donation, underscoring the importance of Sri Ram’s presence at his birthplace.
The countdown to the inauguration of the Shri Ram Janmabhoomi Mandir on January 22 has begun, with an illustrious guest list that includes Prime Minister Narendra Modi, Uttar Pradesh Chief Minister Yogi Adityanath, RSS chief Mohan Bhagwat, UP Governor Anandiben Patel, and temple trust president Mahant Nritya Gopal Das. Among the 7,000 guests expected to attend are cricket legends Sachin Tendulkar and Virat Kohli, Bollywood icon Amitabh Bachchan, and industrialists Mukesh Ambani and Gautam Adani.
The culmination of this spiritual and cultural journey will be marked by the presence of dignitaries, devotees, and well-wishers who will witness the historic moment when Sri Ram is consecrated in the newly constructed mandir. The event is not only a testament to the religious significance of the Ram Mandir but also a reflection of the cultural harmony and unity that resonates with people across India and beyond.
As the date draws near, Ayodhya is abuzz with excitement and anticipation, and the convergence of past prophecies and contemporary events adds an extra layer of significance to this monumental occasion. The consecration of the Ram Mandir will undoubtedly be etched in the annals of history as a moment of profound spiritual and cultural importance.