On the occasion of Swami Vivekananda Jayanti, Akhil Bharatiya Vidyarthi Parishad celebrated National Youth Day by organising various events like seminars, sports events, debates, and floral tributes to Swami Vivekananda. One notable event was the open seminar titled ‘Developed Bharat @2047,’ hosted by the Arts Faculty of the University of Delhi. Esteemed personalities, including Monica Arora, Advocate of the Honourable Supreme Court of India; Dr Abhishek Tondon, ABVP Delhi State President, graced the occasion, sharing insightful perspectives on the envisioned future of India.
ABVP National Secretary, Shivangi Kharwal, stated, “ABVP is dedicated to fostering a sense of purpose and national pride among the youth, instilling values that resonate with the visionary ideals of Bharat’s luminaries. Through various events, ABVP seeks to inspire students to overcome challenges and embrace the transformative vision of Swami Vivekananda.”
Harsh Attri, ABVP Delhi State Secretary, outlined the organization’s future initiatives, stating, “In the upcoming days, ABVP units across various educational institutions will organise activities such as cleanliness drives, sports events, cloth distribution campaigns, floral tributes, and more as part of the ongoing National Youth Day celebrations.”