External Affairs Minister Dr S Jayasankar while addressing a gathering recently on January 6, 2026 said in Thiruvananthapuram that Bharat’s mission is to arrive at solutions to the issues that the world faces based on our heredity and culture. He stated that it is Bharat that puts forward novel ideas before the world. Now, the entire world is ready to embrace Bharat.
PM Narendra Modi’s proposals concerning complex issues are accepted worldwide. It is the most significant change that took place during the last ten years in the international arena. He was talking about “The role Bharat has to play, in the near future, in forming a just world order”. It was the third Parameswarji Memorial talk where Jaishankar was speaking. The programme was organised by Bharatiya Vichara Kendram, the Kerala chapter of Prajna Pravah.
S Jayasankar said that now all are talking about a ‘Developed Bharat’. The world gives more attention to the technological development of Bharat than to its economic development. The whole world is surprised to see Bharat’s leap forward in the field of digitalisation. Our development and local and provincial progress are due to the actions taken, taking into consideration our culture and history. Such a realisation is our strength.
‘Atmanirbhar Bharat’ is the foundation stone of our development. Our diplomatic methodology is to hold all close to our hearts and stand for the world. Ancient texts like the Ramayana are the leading lights for us. Ramayana shows the good examples of diplomatic performances. The diplomacy shown by Hanuman, Angada, and Thara are exemplary. He pointed out that Ramayana and its characters have influenced his official life.
Minister said that P Parameswarji played a great role to propagate the message of Ramayana in Kerala. Bharat’s diplomatic practice is to take right steps at right time. During COVID days, we could provide vaccines for other countries even before fulfilling our own requirements. That is our diplomatic culture. Our endeavour to promote millets and the world-wide recognition Yoga has gained are significant in the new world order.
Bharatiya Vichara Kendram Director R Sanjayan, Kanyakumari Vivekananda Kendram President A Balakrishnan, Union Minister of State for Parliamentary & External Affairs V Muraleedharan, former Union Minister of State O Rajagopal and Bharatiya Vichara Kendram state president CV Jayamani participated in the programme. He answered the questions of former diplomat Dr TP Sreenivasan, Kerala Varsity VC Dr. Mohanan Kunnummel, Mahalakshmi Menon, Dr G Gopakumar and Dr M Sugeeta.
Dr Jayasankar told that Bharat’s interventions in international arena, including the G20, have paved the way for a strong and stable world order. He was answering a question of TP Sreenivasan, former Ambassador and Permanent Representative of Bharat to the UNO, Vienna and Governor of Bharat of the International Atomic Energy Agency, Vienna. Minister said that Sreenivasan was his Guru because he started his career in Foreign Service under him (Sreenivasan).