According to the latest updates, K Chandrashekar Rao’s Bharat Rashtra Samithi Party secured only 39 seats in the 119 Assembly constituencies. This marks the end of KCR’s tenure of 9+ years. He was first elected as CM following Andhra Pradesh’s reorganisation and Telangana’s formation. He was given second opportunity in 2018.
Already, BRS-working President tweeted accepting the political defeat.
Grateful to the people of Telangana for giving @BRSparty two consecutive terms of Government 🙏
Not saddened over the result today, but surely disappointed as it was not in expected lines for us. But we will take this in our stride as a learning and will bounce back…
— KTR (@KTRBRS) December 3, 2023
On the other side, PCC president Revanth Reddy held a press conference at Congress Bhavan in Hyderabad and thanked the voters and Congress leaders Rahul and Sonia Gandhi. He particularly attributed the party’s success to Rahul’s Bharat Jodo Yatra. This was attended by Karnataka Dy CM Shivkumar. The winning Congress MLAs are coming to Hyderabad from their constituencies to Telangana Congress Bhavan. In these elections, several big and experienced BRS leaders lost to Congress party candidates due to heavy anti-incumbency.
Earlier, the Telangana DGP visited Revanth Reddy and congratulated him on his electoral victory and arranged for the protocol and security measurements for the Congress leaders.
As per the latest reports, Bandi Sanjay, a former BJP Telangana president contestant from Karimnagar, lost to BRS leader G Kamalakar Reddy with 300+ seats. Though Bandi Sanjay is likely to seek re-voting.
Also KCR is likely to lose his own seat also. At 53 years old, Katipally Venkata Ramana Reddy, a professional businessman and a Class 12 pass-out, defied expectations by securing a substantial lead in the recently concluded Telangana Assembly Elections 2023 and is on the verge of being declared a winner. Currently leading with 50,294 votes, he has outperformed KCR, who has garnered 46,780 votes, and Revanth Reddy, trailing with 45,419 votes.
Ramana Reddy, who has nurtured the constituency over the years, had expressed confidence of his victory.
Kamareddy hogged the limelight after KCR announced his candidature from the seat and Revanth Reddy decided to challenge him on the seat. Both KCR and Revanth Reddy are contesting from two seats in the state.