The Prime Minister’s cricket-themed remark added a sporting touch to the political discourse ahead of the upcoming elections in poll-bound Rajasthan. Addressing a congregation of people in Rajasthan’s Taranagar in Churu district, the Prime Minister said,” “Nowadays, the whole country is filled with enthusiasm for cricket. In cricket, a batsman comes and scores runs for his team. But there is such a fight among the Congress party that these people are busy running each other out”.
“Five years of the Congress government have been spent running each other out…If you choose the BJP, we will throw out the team of corrupt people from Rajasthan,” PM Modi said in his latest attack on the Congress.
“BJP will score development rapidly and victory will be for Rajasthan; victory will be for the future of Rajasthan; victory will be for the mothers, sisters, youth and farmers of Rajasthan…” PM Modi said, promising the voters the development if the BJP government is voted to power.
Further coming down heavily at Congress on the issue of ‘One Rank, One Pension’, PM said,” The Congress kept the bravehearts of this place in trouble for decades, misled them, made them suffer a lot.”
PM Modi said, “This is a brave land, where the bravery of the sons of its soil plays a big role in keeping the entire country safe. Congress has left no stone unturned to deceive the children of such a land”.
The counting of votes for the Rajasthan Assembly will be held on December 3, 2023. In the 2018 assembly elections, the Congress won 99 seats, while the BJP finished at 73 seats in the 200-member House.
Gehlot took the oath as CM with the support of BSP MLAs and independent legislators.