Gujarat police successfully rescued a 14-year-old girl from Uttar Pradesh on Tuesday (November 14), just 48 hours after her abduction from Navsari district. The incident involved a ransom demand of Rs 1 crore. Swift action was taken by authorities, leading to the apprehension of four individuals directly involved in the crime.
The prime accused in this case has been identified as Sameer Pathan, Abhishekh Chaudhary, and Pradeep Chaudhary the names of other accused are yet to be revealed by the police.
The key to the success of this operation was the meticulous technical analysis of WhatsApp calls and Snapchat data. This strategic use of technology played a crucial role in pinpointing the location and activities of the perpetrators.
Additionally, the collaborative efforts and effective coordination with police forces in Delhi, Rajasthan, and Uttar Pradesh were instrumental in the rapid recovery of the kidnapped teenager. The seamless sharing of information and resources among different state police forces facilitated a synchronized and well-coordinated response to the abduction case.
The case highlights the importance of leveraging modern technology and inter-state collaboration in law enforcement to combat and swiftly resolve cases of abduction and ransom demands. The successful rescue not only ensured the safety of the victim but also demonstrated the efficiency and effectiveness of the multi-agency approach in addressing such crimes.
Throughout the harrowing experience, the parents of the girl maintained contact with the abductors using WhatsApp, even agreeing to transfer a sum of Rs 12,000 as part of their negotiations. The turning point in the case occurred through the scrutiny of Snapchat and WhatsApp call records, yielding vital information that aided in tracking both the girl and her captors.
The abduction unfolded when the perpetrators forcefully took the young girl from the Gandevi area of Navsari on November 10. Following the incident, they initiated a series of WhatsApp calls to her parents, making monetary demands, as revealed by Inspector General of Police, Surat, V. Chandrasekhar.
Law enforcement successfully apprehended three of the alleged kidnappers – Samir Pathan, Abhishekh Chaudhary, and Pradeep Chaudhary – as they boarded a bus in the vicinity of Lucknow. Another key suspect, Mohit Chaudhary, was also captured from a slum in Delhi. The comprehensive use of technology and the swift response of the police played a pivotal role in resolving the case and ensuring the safety of the abducted girl.
At the outset, the Navsari police traced the victim’s movements and discovered that she had been transported to Rajasthan by train. They promptly sought assistance from the Government Railway Police in the neighboring state.
Following this, new information emerged suggesting that the girl had been brought to a slum in Delhi. Upon reaching the location, Mohit Chaudhary was apprehended, and he provided crucial details about the intended transfer of the girl to Lucknow via bus by the remaining suspects.