In a recent incident in Morbi, Gujarat, a Hindu youth named Rajesh Gadvi was killed by a Muslim man, Mohammad Wali Jam, following a dispute over firecrackers. The murder has stirred profound distress in the Morbi region and sparked outrage among the local Hindu community and organisations.
Subsequently, Hindu organisations have submitted a petition to the Collector, urging severe punishment for the accused, not only for the homicide but also for illegal occupation of government land and unauthorised construction. The petitioner emphasises the gravity of the crime committed over a minor issue.
On November 7, 2023, Muhammad Wali Jam, a resident of Morbi’s Labhnagar area, was bursting firecrackers outside Lakha Gadhvi’s house. His actions led to an argument with Lakha Gadvi when Mohammed’s wife requested him to stop due to her health. Rajesh Gadvi, a nearby resident, intervened to mediate, but Mohammad Wali Jam grew increasingly agitated.
Brandishing a knife, Mohammad then inflicted a stab wound to Rajesh Gadhvi’s chest. Initially rushed to a nearby hospital in Morbi in critical condition, Gadhvi’s worsening state prompted the on-call doctors to transfer him to Rajkot for further treatment. Unfortunately, Rajesh’s condition did not improve, and he succumbed to his injuries while undergoing treatment.
Police took immediate action, arresting Mohammad for the murder of Gadhvi. Recognising the sensitivity of the situation, the police deployed additional security personnel in Labhnagar to prevent any potential untoward incidents. In response to the outrage stemming from the incident, local Hindu representatives convened with the Collector, submitting a petition that calls for stringent punishment against the accused under GUJCTOC (Gujarat Control of Terrorism and Organised Crime).